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Not every story starts with two strangers and ends with them being united as one. Sometimes it begins with two strangers and ends with them remaining strangers for life.

This is dedicated to all those who have ever felt this.

They didn't know when destiny intertwined their paths. When they met, their eyes didn't recognize each other, but their breaths sensed a familiar presence. Their souls were welcoming an old friend.

Their first encounter was when they brushed past each other in that crowded classroom. It was as if their souls whispered a forgotten secret. They didn't notice each other that time but destiny will again put them in front of each other and something interesting happens.

Days turned into weeks, and their paths crossed again, this time more intentionally. Conversations flowed effortlessly, weaving a tapestry of shared dreams and unspoken fears. Yet, amidst the laughter and the lingering glances, a silent truth hovered – some connections are not meant to be tethered by time.

As seasons changed, so did their lives. They watched each other from afar, supportive yet distant, like stars in parallel galaxies. There was a profound understanding between them, a recognition that sometimes the most beautiful connections are those left untouched by the mundane demands of daily life.

They became silent witnesses to each other's journeys, celebrating triumphs and mourning losses from the shadows. Their bond was not defined by proximity but by the purity of a shared moment in time.

Years passed, and they remained strangers in the conventional sense. They are no longer each other's late-night call or Sunday brunch companion. Yet, they were more than acquaintances. They were kindred spirits, eternally intertwined by the brief yet powerful encounter that had once brought them together.

And so, their story ends where it began – two strangers, forever touched by a connection that defied explanation, remaining strangers for life. But in the depths of their souls, they carried the essence of each other, a testament to the beauty of fleeting, unfulfilled connections.

Thank you so much for choosing this book.

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