Before The Break

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At the beginning of his career Tory set out to audition for many small roles in different movies. No matter how hard he tried he only ever got cast as an extra in the background. To keep himself in a decent lifestyle Tory got a part time job as a pizza delivery boy. He worked endless hours when he wasn't auditioning for roles he wanted. He tried to save as much as he could but couldn't seem to keep any money. One day after an audition Cory came to his brother for help. Tory was happy, Cory had really never asked for his help so this was good for him. The two sat and talked about what would give his Spooky Scary Sunday videos and edge

"A crazed squatter!" Tory shouted with a slight grin. Cory nodded with a slight smile and said "Okay but I wanna do him. Well you can do his voice but ultimately I want my fan to think it's just me playing a character" Tory grin slowly faded as he looked at his brother. He was supposed to be this character for him and he couldn't take any credit for it. "So will you help me?" Cory asked, nudging Tory gently. Tory gave a forced smile and said "Of course! After all what are twins for if not to be a made up person" Cory jumped up excitedly with a small buckle. "Get writing and have it ready by tomorrow!" Cory shouted and ran off. Cory headed home and set out his plan for tomorrow and future videos

Tory sat there on the bench dumbfounded. His brother had just asked him to do something that could jump start his career and not only was he supposed to come up with this character but he couldn't even be credited. His name wouldn't even be known to his brother's fandom. That night with a bit of a bruise to his ego Tory sat there and wrote a complete backstory for a character he named EDWARD NORTON. He stayed up all night writing and didn't get much sleep. The next morning he walked into Cory's room where he had his YouTube set up. He looked at the set up then set down his note book on the table and sighed. "Here put this on and when I tap the table you say you get a shoutout in whatever creepy but funny voice you can think of" Cory said, reaching Tory a grass covered poncho. Tory put on the poncho and with a tired yawn he nodded his head

Over the years Cory filmed his Spooky Scary Sunday videos Tory would be in the background playing the role of Edward Norton. Although he loved acting this seemed to be his only big role and nobody knew it was him. Tory every now and then slipped into depression. His life wasn't going the way he hoped and on top of that he had just lost his girlfriend and his job. Tory wished he could be on TV and not always in the background of his brother's videos. In his free time Tory learned to sing, play the guitar and taught himself French and German. Tory watched as his brother's fame slowly grew and something inside of him also started to grow. Tory loved his brother but the years that love turned into a burning rage and soon enough it was ready to explode

One morning while Tory was walking he saw that the Five Nights of Freddy movie was playing in theaters. He had always been a fan and heard many rumors that there was a famous YouTuber in this movie. Tory headed inside and purchased a ticket before heading inside and going to the movie. He found his seat and sat down as the movie started. Tory watched on enjoying the movie and as he got up to refill his drink that's when he heard it. A familiar voice say "Where to little lady?...." Tory turned to see none other than Cory. His twin brother was on a screen, in a movie! "No...NO!" He shouted, interrupting the other viewers. "THAT IS BULLSHIT! THAT SHOULD BE ME!" Tory shouted, throwing down his remaining snacks and leaving the theater. Tory rushed from the building and hurried down the street

His pace was quickened by the second as Cory's voice replayed in his head. He barged into his brother's home and searched around for him but found no one. He screamed as he started throwing and breaking things around the house. How could this happen? How could someone with no action skills, no passion for the arts get a roll in a movie? It wasn't fair and he wasn't gonna stand for it. Cory had used him and got what he wanted. Well this was the last damn time Tory was gonna be used by anyone. Hell this was the last time he was gonna be pushed aside for Cory. This was really it, Cory needed to die but that couldn't happen people would be suspicious so Edward needed to die. Tory needed to get rid of himself and he knew exactly how to do it. It was time for Cory to lose a brother

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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