Chapter 3 Do I know you

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Pai leave him I said leave him kinn snapped

Pai left Ken as he stared shrugging himself,

Baby you're so naughty Tawan laughed

Oh ! I forgot you're here too Venice said as he walked towards Ken and help him get up but as ken grabbed Venice 's hand to get up Venice left him making him fall down , while everyone laughed at him and Rain was making a video of it

Ken got up and grabbed Venice shirt but the next second  he was caught by Vegas who removed his hand

Easy you may hurt him vegas said staring at Ken

He rubbed Venice's shirt and looked at Tawan while Cleaning his gun

You better know the consequences of hurting my son vegas said and Tawan looked away

Honey, it's alright Venice isn't hurt pete said hugging vegas to calm him down while Tawan side eyes him

Hello khun pete , you look so beautiful Nina exclaimed

I wish I could say the same for you Porsche snapped

Alright let's cut the cake ,, kinn added

Sky sneaked out of their house , he always sneaks out when he's alone , Tawan has never allowed him to leave the house he didn't even know the road the supermarket but their is a small river near their house which he rarely visit when he got a chance he knows he can't escape the hell but this tiny bits of happiness is everything he wishes for ,since they live in the outskirts of city trembling he went to the nearby bridge which is usually silent with no human vision, he doesn't know if he can trust anyone what if anyone caught him and Tawan knows that he sneaked out , what if someone took advantage of him like Ken , so he's always suspicious while spending time there

As he sat their under the bridge, he could feel the slow water hitting his legs

Why ! Why did you hate me this much papa pete ?  Sky thought Why did you sold me to this man he hurts me everyday even his wife , son everyone hurts me they hit me abuse me I would have done every work for you but why did you do this to me , he cried and hugged his knees

Venice blew up the candles while everyone wished for him including Tawan and his family, Tawan was scoffing when he saw Vegas feeding the cake to pete

I would be there if pete wasn't with vegas he thought Vegas,Kinn and Tawan were classmates and then they turn friends, Tawan always has a crush on Vegas, vegas was better than him in everything and that's why his parents always praise vegas as a result Tawan was deeply affected by Vegas

During their college days vegas met pete who was the most beautiful and pretty guy and soon fell in love with him while kinn fell for Porsche,soon vegas decided to Marry pete during their college days leaving Tawan disheartened, and after that pete adopted their first son Venice Meanwhile in a rage he went to America and  married Nina but never loved her and soon had Ken, Nina came to know about this after their marriage, she hated pete for this and their marraige was falling apart

He returned after 8 years on Sky's birthday still hoping for rift on Vegaspete's relationship when he saw Vegas pete still unbreakable he decided to kill Venice but unexpectedly in sky's birthday fire caught and Tawan found Sky who was unconscious at first he wanted to kill him but then he thought of an evil plan when he saw Pete screaming and crying for sky , since sky was the younger version of pete little and innocent he was small he didn't recognise Tawan or his family member it would be easy to manipulate him so he kidnapped him and tortures him everyday thinking him as Pete , vegas searched him for everywhere but he didn't find sky in Tawan 's house  even when he would go to Tawan's house Tawan would drugged sky and tie him up so he won't escape

Each time he saw Vegas pete together he would abuse sky and hurt him make him bleed

Prapai got a message from the detective we're sorry khun pai we couldn't find him , please close the case

Pai started to cry seeing the message he walked out of the house since he didn't want anyone to know the reason, he took his car and drove off to an unknown direction, he drove for 20 kms until he reach a river , he Wanted to calm his mind so he when to the river but he saw a small and little boy sitting on the dark staring at the river hugging himself

When the light of the moon fell on the boy's face it glew up , his eyes dark staring at the deep shallow water, His clothes shaggy and dirty , his hair messed up , looking at the river , he walked towards the boy

Are you lost kid ? pai ask Sky who Trembled in fear

He immediately got up but he fell down but pai catch him , sky started panicking

Hey why are you scared , did something happened to you kid pai asked sky who shook his head and pai embrace him slowly to calm him

Hey , don't be scared I'm not a bad guy , sky started to cry and pai got panic he exclaimed please don't cry ok , pai went to his car and grabbed something holding sky's hand  who shook his head , wait have this he gave sky a chocolate but sky looked at him suspiciously, sky took a bite and handed him

Do you believe me now ? Sky took the chocolate from him and ate quickly, it has been years since he ate the chocolate, he was hungry since afternoon and the chocolate was so big and delicious he ate it silently while pai rubbed his hair

Slowly slowly Nong I've some more he took out some more  and gave it to sky while sky stuffed his pants with them

Do you like it ? Pai asked and sky smiled at what are you doing here nong alone it's dangerous, where do you live, let me know I'll leave you pai said but sky looked at the other side

Okay., okay I won't ask you but can you tell me your name ? Pai asked sky , sky thought for a minute and looked at the sky , he pointed to the sky but pai couldn't understand it

What is it ? River ? Pond ? Pai asked him but he shook his head cloud , Moon ? Sky shook his head , pai thought sky can't speak that's why he is speaking in sign language but Sky is unable to speak he wants to scream but he already lost his voice

Just then sky heard the sound of a car and he recognised it , he began trembling and ran away while pai looked at him confused, he returned and kissed pai 's cheeks and went away waving his hand , pai smiled at him

Will you come here tomorrow he asked but sky soon disappear in

Cute boy pai thought to himself but he again thought of the name Earth , ? Night? Land ? Sky ? He stopped at sky and looked at the direction sky ? Do I know you ? Are you my sky ?

Sky soon sneaked into the house through window and hide the bars of chocolate which he could eat when he was reprimand of food , good phi he thought to himself he was so cute and gentle towards me , I like that good phi he smiled just then the door opened and ken walked in , sky moved backwards seeing ken but Ken caught him and grabbed his head

He took his belt and tied it on Sky's neck let's enjoy today baby and I promise I'll really hurt you today he said and pushed him down , he didn't even gave sky time to adjust instead he dragged sky through his neck sky couldn't even crawl he was being dragged by ken who held his hair , he took sky and threw him on his bed



He ordered

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