Chapter 6

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Walking down the corridor towards the director's office, Vanessa mentally prepared her speech, aiming to present a clear reason for her resignation.

"Vanessa Milian," suddenly came a voice from behind.

The girl sharply turned around and saw the director heading towards his office. He was clearly interested in what had happened yesterday and why the employee had decided to visit him so early in the morning.

Approaching closer, the man opened the office door and invited the girl inside to sit on the couch. Offering coffee, the director prepared himself a cup, but the girl declined.

"Vanessa, is something wrong? Your husband was looking for you yesterday," the man said.

"I have a request for you," Vanessa replied.

"How can I help?" the director asked.

"I want to resign, but my husband shouldn't know about it. He should think I'm on a business trip," Vanessa explained.

"Can I know what's going on?" the director asked with interest.

"I want to leave my husband, but he's not letting me go, so I've made this decision," she decided to tell him the truth.

"Okay, write your resignation letter, finish your report by the end of the week, and you'll receive your cash settlement on Monday. But know that I'm always ready to find a place for you in my company," the director offered.

"Thank you so much," the girl thanked him.

Taking the printed resignation form from the desk, the girl quickly signed it and left the office.

She had a couple of days left to finish the monthly report, and luckily, it was almost ready, just a few finishing touches left.

With a sense of relief, Vanessa returned to her desk, her mind now focused on completing the remaining tasks before her departure. As she settled into her chair, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - apprehension about the future mingled with a newfound sense of freedom.

She glanced at the clock ticking away on the wall, reminding her of the limited time she had left. Without wasting a moment, Vanessa delved into her work, methodically going through the last few sections of her report. Each keystroke felt like a step closer to closure, a step closer to the next chapter of her life.

Hours passed by in a blur as Vanessa immersed herself in her tasks. The rhythmic clacking of the keyboard filled the otherwise quiet office, serving as a comforting background to her thoughts. Despite the gravity of her decision, she couldn't shake off a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of starting anew.

As the afternoon sun began to cast long shadows across the office floor, Vanessa finally put the finishing touches on her report. With a satisfied sigh, she saved the document, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Glancing at the clock once more, she realized she still had some time left before the end of the workday.

Deciding to use the remaining hours wisely, Vanessa tidied up her desk and organized her belongings. She neatly stacked the folders containing her projects, ensuring everything was in order for her successor. With each task completed, she felt a sense of closure settling in, readying herself for the journey ahead.

Leaving her office, the girl headed towards the director's office to report on her work. Upon receiving a positive response to her knock, she entered the office.

"Vanessa, have you changed your mind about leaving us?" the director asked with a smile.

"No. I came to inform you that the report is ready and waiting in your inbox. Could you please check it so that I don't have to come to work tomorrow?"

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