sweet moves (Dancer Levi x reader modern au)

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Levi and you had arrived at the party since his friend, Erwin Smith, had invited him and you for his birthday. You were both looking forward to having fun together and with your friends. People who showed up early had been drinking and dancing on the dance floor, where bodies moved to each beat of the music.
You and Levi made your way through the crowd.  Levi was holding your hand but began to tightly hold it. Levi was scanning the crowd to find any familiar faces, while you were just looking at the back of his head. The music was loud, and the air was thick with the smell of alcohol and sweat. But the atmosphere was alive, and you could feel the energy and enthusiasm of the party.

(Levi): Sweetheart, I see Erwin right now. Do you want to talk with him? Or let's find another friend?
(Your name): Yeah, sure, let's talk to him. We have to talk to him anyway since we got him a gift.

You were holding on the gift right now

(Levi): true, I kind of forgot about the gift.
(Your name): This is why you should sleep early.
(Levi): Yeah, yeah. you're right. Thanks for your concern, sweetheart

Levi laughed while you guys made your way towards a table stacked high with food and drinks, Levi's friend Erwin greeted you with a huge smile and a welcoming presence.

(Erwin): hey guys, I'm so glad that you guys could make it!
(Levi): how could we miss it? Hahaha

Levi then turned his head to you

(Levi): Sweetheart? Can you give the gift to Erwin now?
(Your name): Oh, uh, of course! Happy birthday, Erwin!

You then gave Erwin the gift that you and Levi prepared for his birthday. It was only whiskey and homemade cookies that you and Levi made.

(Erwin): how amazing! I really appreciate this gift. Would you guys want to have a drink?
(Levi): no problem, Erwin; glad you like it. And yeah, sure, we would like a drink

After speaking with you two and pouring you each a drink, Erwin left. When you took your first sip, you started to relax and felt like you needed to join in on the fun on the dance floor, even though you had no dancing experience. But later on, you would at least try since Levi knows how to dance and he could teach you a little on the dance floor.

(Your name): love?
(Levi): Yes, sweetheart?
(Your name): could we dance when we are done drinking? And maybe you can teach me a bit with your skills.
(Levi): of course, sweetheart, I can't wait to dance with you later on

Your heart skipped a beat once again when Levi called you sweetheart; you still weren't used to being called that, even if he called you that pet name for so many years in your relationship. It was like Levi made you feel special in a way no one could do to you.

(Levi): oh~ is someone still flustered with me calling her sweetheart?

Levi laughed

(Your name): quiet Levi.
(Levi): You're cute, like always.

As you both finished your drinks, you watched the people who were dancing on the dance floor with awe and excitement to join in. It looked so much fun to let loose and dance like no one was there. But you were too embarrassed by the thought of dancing in front of people.

(Levi): Want to dance already? You seem like you want to dance already but are hesitant to do it, right?
(Your name): Yeah... How did you know?
(Levi): Of course I know, sweetheart. I'm literally your lover.
(Your name): True, True

Levi knew you were hesitating, so he then leaned in and whispered softly in your ear.

(Levi): Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll teach you about every move you need to make. I'll guide you slowly and work our way up to the hard parts. i'll make sure that it will be fun
(Your name): Please take it slow. I'm not really a good dancer.

With Levi's reassurance, you took a deep breath and stood up, still feeling a little nervous but also excited to dance with Levi for the first time. You made your way to the dance floor, where mostly the people were; the music was even louder and the energy was even more alive, which made you more nervous, but Levi being there made you calm down a little.
Levi reached out and took your hand in his; you could feel his firm but gentle grip at the same time. Levi leaned down again in your ear.

(Levi): You will be alright if you are with me, so do not worry, sweetheart.
(Your name): If you say so, my love. I trust you

You felt a slight sensation of warmth as Levi smiled at you, and his eye met yours.
The two of you then began to move with the music, making simple steps first so you could follow him easily. Levi was being patient with you since you didn't know how to dance like him. He was also making sure that you felt comfortable continuing, and whenever you made a mistake, he would reassure you, telling you that it was okay that you made a simple mistake and that you guys could repeat the steps one by one. You felt your body's tension when dancing, but you let yourself sink into the music, feeling each beat through your body as you both went with the music's flow.
Levi's hand was on your waist; he gently gripped it, and he suddenly dripped to your back. You made a little gasp since Levi didn't warn you and caught you off guard instead. Before you knew it, Levi suddenly kissed you deeply and quickly before pressing you against his chest.. You then looked up and gazed into his eyes, but your eyes went back down to his chest. You had both your hands on his chest right now as he held you tightly.

(Your name): You could have warned me about that!

You said it in a flustered and shocked tone, and Levi just laughed and smiled at you.

(Levi): Sorry, sweetheart, i just got distracted on dancing with you
(Your name): You better be sorry!

Before you knew it, both of you were dancing like pro, laughing and spinning around on the dance floor. You couldn't believe that you had been so nervous for a moment just a few minutes ago. But with Levi by your side, everything felt possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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