Often Hushed

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"I know who he is, but I forget sometimes because... because he never shines a light on himself. He shines it on other people. ... Anthropology teaches us that the alpha male is the man wearing the crown, displaying the most colorful plumage and the shiniest baubles, he stands out from the others. But now I think anthropology may have it wrong. In working with him, I've come to realize that the quiet man, the invisible man, the man who is always there for friends and family, that's the real alpha male. And I swear... I promise that my eyes will never be caught by those.... shiny baubles again."

------Temperance Brennan to Seeley Booth, Bones S04E09

All my life, I have been promised  to a man that I have never met.

Sure, I guess that it sounds a little bit ludicrous if you aren't used to hearing that kind of thing. It may not be an arranged marriage, but it is a promise, one to me, and one that cannot dare to be broken. He'll be my mate one day.

Mom said his howl will speak to wolves all across America, and will even be able to carry across the seas. There have been many old legends and stories about his coming to the world. Him. My mate. Of course, I tell my parents that it's not possible. He's only rumored to turn seventeen when I see him... even a Wolf who has lived for hundreds of years is unlikely to posses this skill.

I suppose... unless he's the new Crowned Alpha. But that option itself is impossible. We all know that a Crowned Alpha hasn't been born in thousands upon thousands of years.

All my Momma told me about him was that he was the upcoming Alpha for what will be the largest pack in the United States, which leaves me two distinct choices- both deadly. I can go East to the Coastal Pack, the official largest Pack in America and hope they don't murder me on sight... or I can take my chances with one of the others that dot the continent.  

Either way, any Wolf will get pissing mad that I've entered their territory. 

But now it's a month before my seventeenth birthday, and I'm leaving to start my search in two days. My wolf has been writhing for him for far too long...

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