Missing Graham

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Then the love shell fire begins.

An endearing riff played by Graham graces the vicinity and it's sound has more angst than usual. Then the drums kick in along with the bass.

Now it's time for the vocals which Damon almost missess as he's too busy putting on a show for y/n who's sat on the sofa. In the past few weeks, she has been to every single band practice because,

After the night Damon and y/n spent together their ship sailed smoothly.

On that very morning, Damon found that Dave was still passed out so he made sure y/n woke up to some brewing tea. They both sat down and talked over breakfast.

They both agreed that even though, that night wasn't a mistake. It was something that unfolded quicker than it was supposed to. Then Damon asked y/n out on a date. She said yes and they went on a date then another date come, then another, then another and so on.

The pair grew very close. Damon was right, he felt a connection with y/n and it was there. Everything felt natural and their conversations flowed with ease. He got to know her and she proved to be as amazing as he'd assumed.

Y/n loves the company of Damon and she might not know it yet but she has gotten used to him being around all the time.

The couple keeps going on dates and it's steamy. They can't keep their hands off each other and they can't keep count of the places they've done it in. It's a love rush.

Dave is okay with y/n and Damon being together and so is Graham, well he's trying his best to be okay.

Damon, being Graham's best friend does everything to respect his feelings. He rarely mentions y/n and makes sure never to show any public display of affectionate while Graham's around.

Though, since y/n is clueless about Graham liking her she sometimes sits on Damon's lap, holds his hand or hugs him and it's impossible for Damon to push her off so he sometimes slips up and maybe hurts Graham a bit which fills him up with a lot of guilt.


It's one of those days again, the sun is setting and blur has just gotten done with their band practice. The boys pack up and leave.

Graham & Alex leave together. Dave goes alone and y/n is with Damon.

They walk the street together hand in hand. The traffic has slowed down as it's getting late. The roads of London seem serene and calm for once to y/n and she starts to enjoy the walk even more.

Suddenly, Damon pulls her towards an opposite direction. Y/n is confused as she's led into a shop full of flowers and perfumes. Damon seems to be buying something as y/n stands back.

They exit the shop and Damon is holding flowers in his hand, it's a single rose bloom. He hands it to y/n,

"This is for you. Y/n, the last few weeks of my life have been amazing and you are the reason for that" Damon smiles.

She puts the delicate love flower in between the pages of the journal she happens to carry with her today, "That's so sweet! And I feel the same way, Damon. These past few weeks have been great! Where'd the time even go?"

Damon puts his arms behind his back in an excited way, "Well, I've found a new restraunt and we're going for dinner there, tonight. I'm sure you'll love it"

"Let's go then" She puts out her hand forward and Damon holds it.

They catch a taxi and make their way to the restraunt.

It's packed but thankfully Damon has already booked a table. The pair sit down and catch the aroma of freshly cooked food which fills up the room. The place seems good as Damon has promised.

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