Part 1

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The first chapter is going to be extremely short but I swear, i will try my best to make it longer in the next one!❤️

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It was an boring morning, as always. The sounds of birds chirping echoed throughout the dry walls of the room, sun shining throughout the windows

Here Yoongi is, sleeping peacefully while the duvet was covering hum from head to toe, wrapped around him as if he is a baby wrapped in it's swaddle

His beautiful sleep was disturbed by his one and only hyung's yelling from downstairs, he squirmed around the bed before opening his kitty eyes

He removed the blankets that was devouring him, lazily heading to the bathroom to get freshen up

After freshing up, he came downstairs to see everyone presented there in the dining room, instantly wishing him good morning, "good morning" he wished back with a smile sat inbetween Taehyung and Jimin

They all started to have their food in silence until Namjoon broke it, "Guys! Dad said he is coming back tomorrow"

Everyone's attention went towards Namjoon when they heard this, "oh! He didn't told me earlier about this" Jin said, a little complaining.

"He didn't told any of us either, guess, he only loves Joonie hyung" Jungkook said, pouting dramatically and vmin agreed with him making others chuckle

Except Yoongi, who was playing with his food looking down, his hands felt weak at the news of hearing his father coming back

While, Hoseok was first one to notice this, "Yah! Yoongi hyung, it's okay don't be sad, dad will forgive you" hearing this, everyone's attention turned to Yoongi who was still looking down, his legs shaking slightly that everyone failed to notice

"Yes Yoonie, dad can't be angry on you for so long" Jin said, his voice calming and comforting that calmed him down a bit

Yoongi just nodded his head quietly, his mind was over stuffed with terrible thoughts about the past, he gripped on the spoon controlling himself from panicking

Soon, they finished their went to do their perspective works, Yoongi was quietly sitting on his room infront of his desk, blankly staring at his photo with his mom, he misses his mom so much right now

Maybe, if his mom was alive by right now, he never ever had to suffer this shit

"I hate you so much mom, you left us so quickly, you are making me suffer, because of you, my whole life is upside down"

Yoongi stated blankly, letting his tears flow free, he didn't want his dad to come back.

He didn't wanted to suffer in that hell again.

To Be Continued... ✿

As said, too short but sorry, not sorry!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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