26 : Back From The Edge

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Yang Jia's Pov

Following a memorable day spent with Riki at the beach, today I am back at the same place where I was yesterday, Jungwon's hospital room. All those sorrowful day's memories came again and again in front of my eyes, but today all of them are not hurting my heart as much as they were in the past. Because I have realized that, I am not alone, we have our entire family with me. Now please God, just give me my Jungwon back, safe and sound and smiling, and I don't need anything else, Only this void in my heart is still not filled.

My world has tilted on its axis, I don't know what will I do without my love by my side, my man, he is my other half, that part from which I can't stay away from. Here I am seated beside his hospital bed, hoping for him to show even a slightest bit of movement while clasping his cold hands in my warms ones.

The weather is not helping much either, its pouring nowadays, guess its already monsoon starting here. Everywhere I see, its so gloomy and grey. Still, its give me a peace of mind, I have always liked this weather yet this time, its feels as though if I stay alone a little while longer, I might fall deeper in my turmoil and this time, nobody will be able to pull me out.

This ground feels so heavier, I am standing by myself. I just wanna be happy, am I being too greedy ? When it rains, I dance over this city, my world raised a toast to the fog on clear days and all the dust always with me on rainy days. The road I always walk and the light I always receive disappears, But today seems like an unfamiliar scene. Have I become used to it or have I collapsed?

" Please don't leave me alone, it hurts too much, love." I voiced out, resting my forehead on the top of Jungwon's hand, closing my eyes but my tears seems to can't stop flowing times I am here seeing him lying unconscious.

When suddenly my tears fell on Jungwon's hands, I felt that his hands flinched for once. I don't know, I might be hallucinating at this point but I don't loose this chance and called out for doctor asap. When they arrived, I told them and they were surprised and ran a check-up on him while I was seeing from side lines, hope brimming.

While shaking their heads, the docs turned towards me with an apologetic expression and that's when I knew, All my hopes were collapsed on the cold surface. I wish for the earth to cracked open and shallow me whole. " We are sorry to say Mrs. Yang but it just a persistent vegetative state. With a persistent vegetative state, someone may progress to wakefulness but with no higher brain function. His unconsciousness have sensed your feelings and reacted to it And the type of accident he had, Mr. Yang have a very little hope to wake up within 3-4 days." With that they left me alone, leaving me to deal with my unstable self who slumped on the sterile floor.

Nowadays its hurt more to laugh than to cry, I have ran out of tears just now. Even if I try to endure it everyday, even if I try to endure it, Its not working. If only could take your place right now, I would have taken it without hesitation, If I have reached to you at time, I would have pulled you out from that disaster but irony is that the wheels of our stars never go our way, I think my stars were always unlucky.

When I fell in love with you, you fell for someone else. When I was there by your side, you were looking for someone else. When I was yearning for your love, you were yearning for someone else, When You finally loved me back and we were starting to be happy together, it didn't last long either. Misunderstanding after misunderstanding came between us, white lies, pretends were being exchanged between us, our bond once strong became fragile that it almost broke.

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