Chapter 19

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Miss Universe 2023 is tonight. All of the delegates are ready to slay the night. The swimsuit competition will take place today, followed by the announcement of the Top 10. The evening gown competition will also be showcased, with the best five evening gowns determining the Top 5 finalists.

Backstage, the air was thick with a mix of excitement and nerves. Delegates were making final adjustments to their swimsuits and gowns, each determined to make a lasting impression. Michelle stood among them, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had trained hard for this moment and was ready to give it her all.

The lights dimmed, and the host's voice echoed through the venue, signaling the start of the swimsuit competition. Michelle took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. The bright lights and the roaring applause from the audience filled her with a surge of confidence. She walked with grace and poise, every step a testament to her hard work and dedication.

After the swimsuit competition, the delegates gathered backstage once more, anxiously awaiting the announcement of the Top 10. Michelle held her breath as the host began to call out the names.

"And our Top 10 finalists are...

Miss Puerto Rico, Thailand, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Philippines, El Salvador, Venezuela, Australia and Spain"

The host announced, creating a suspenseful pause between each name.

When Michelle's name was called, a wave of relief and joy washed over her. She had made it to the next round. There was no time to rest, though the evening gown competition was next.

Michelle slipped into her stunning gown, the fabric shimmering under the backstage lights. She took a moment to steady herself, thinking of her family and all the support they had given her. With a final deep breath, she stepped onto the stage once more.

The evening gown competition was a sight to behold. Each delegate showcased their elegance and style, their gowns flowing beautifully as they glided across the stage. Michelle felt like she was floating, her gown a perfect representation of her grace and poise.

As the competition came to an end, the judges deliberated, and the host prepared to announce the Top 5 finalists. The atmosphere was electric, the tension palpable.

"And now, the Top 5 finalists are..."the host began, the audience holding their breath.

"Colombia, Puerto Rico, Australia, Thailand,Nicaragua"

One by one, the names were called. Michelle's heart raced as she waited, hoping to hear her name among the best.

But Michelle did not make it to the Top 5. When her name was not called, she felt a wave of disappointment wash over her. She forced a smile, clapping for the girls who had made it to the Top 5, genuinely happy for their success. As she walked off the stage, the weight of her emotions hit her, and she couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

She found a quiet corner backstage and let the tears flow. It was a mix of sorrow and relief, knowing she had given her best but still feeling the sting of not reaching her goal.

Her girlfriend found her and enveloped her in a comforting hug. "You were amazing out there, bab. We're so proud of you."

Through her tears, Michelle nodded, grateful for the support of her girlfriend and family. Despite the disappointment, she knew this experience had made her stronger, and she had so much to be proud of.

The night unfolded, and all of the girls accepted the results as their fate. However, controversy soon arose. Miss Universe El Salvador had posted a Top 5 list that included Miss Philippines, only to delete it minutes later and replace it with another set of Top 5 that included Miss Thailand. Filipino fans quickly captured screenshots of the initial post and began to create a fuss on social media, questioning why Michelle was not in the Top 5 when she had originally been listed.

The buzz grew louder, with Filipino fans expressing their disappointment and confusion over the perceived injustice. Rhian, one of Michelle's best friends, added fuel to the fire by posting on social media, "Something fishy," hinting at possible unfairness in the judging.

Filipino fans, known for their passion for pageantry, voiced their discontent loudly. They were willing to accept defeat, but only with fair judgment. The controversy cast a shadow over the evening, but Michelle tried to focus on the positives of her journey. She had come this far and had given her best performance.

Michelle's family and friends rallied around her, offering their support and love. They reminded her that her worth was not determined by the outcome of the competition but by her resilience and grace under pressure. Michelle knew that, despite the controversy and her personal disappointment, she had a bright future ahead and many more opportunities to shine.

As the event concluded and the delegates began to disperse, Michelle's girlfriend, Sam, approached her. They shared a long, comforting hug, both feeling the weight of the night.

"I'm so proud of you," Sam whispered, her eyes shining with pride. "I have to go back to the Philippines. The company needs me, and I have a lot of meetings lined up."

Michelle nodded, understanding but feeling a pang of sadness. "I know, and I'm so grateful for you being here. After the event in Mexico, I'll come back to the Philippines. We'll be together again soon."

Sam smiled, squeezing Michelle's hand. "Take all the time you need bab.Do what you have to do, and I'll be waiting for you."

They said their goodbyes for now, both knowing that their love and support for each other would carry them through this temporary separation. As Sam left, Michelle felt a renewed sense of determination. She would finish what she started here, and then she would return home to the arms of her loving girlfriend, ready to face whatever the future held together.

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