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In the dark, what looked like blood could be seen trailing down the alleyway. A brown haired boy could be seen, but just barely and I mean barely...Just then a boy with blank black eyes came up to him, a cheerful look on his face and slight blush on his cheeks.

"Hiya, Hunter! Whatcha doing?" The boy asked, curiously looking at the body below him.

"Oliver why are you here? Your supposed to be with Sammy and Coral, they're watching you today." The brown haired boy responded.

The black haired boy didn't respond he just started curiously with the big black and blank eyes of his, causing the brown haired boy to flinch slightly because of how still he was. He was deathly still, Hunter didn't expect him to be able to be as still as that but he was used to it by now.

"Ollie, you should go back to Hazem it's not safe here." Hunter responded.

Oliver only smiled.

"But Hunt, I don't want too! Can't I just stay with you? I promise I won't use my powers." He smiled adorably, using his wendigo fur to his advantage.

"Ugh fine, but if Izzy and Azzy catch you out here your going back to Hazem." He sighed, visibly annoyed by Oliver's adorable(Just because he was very effected by it).

The rest of the day Oliver followed Hunter around like a little puppy, he sung a happy tune as he skipped along with Hunter.
Though Hunter was annoyed by it he didn't really want to do anything about.

To be continued because I have no more ideas.

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