92~ Bloody hell

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Adhisha's POV


"Strip..." he ordered, pushing me away, causing me to stare at him with stunned eyes.


"I told you to strip, darling. Don't force me to teach you how to be an obedient wife...I definitely know you aren't the one.."

"Let her go, Bhai! What has she done to you that you are molesting her," Kaustubh yelled, his voice filled with desperation.

But he just rolled his eyes, irritatedly, and pressed his shoe brutally against his injuries, pushing me to the edge to comply him.

I hugged his leg tightly, begging, "I will do it. Don't do anything to him, please, Kalp."

"Shut up, Adhisha..." Kaustubh yelled at me, his voice breaking with pain and frustration. But I had already decided to follow his orders. It didn't matter what I had to do; I couldn't bear to see him suffer anymore.

Tears streamed down my face as I decided to comply, the humiliation and fear gnawing at my soul.

His gaze remained fixed on me, a twisted satisfaction playing on his lips. In that moment, I realized that no matter what I did, I would never truly escape his control.

I moved away to see him smiling at me and slowly touched the shirt buttons opening them gradually with closed eyes, Kaustubh's yell were reaching my ears yet I went deaf ear to him.

I don't care whatever comes in my way, I just wanted to save him, for once not being selfish and blind for myself.

I felt his hot breath on my neck, his cologne hitting my nose bud but my fingers didn't stop, they kept unravelling the buttons until he held my wrist and pulled me closer causing me to open my teary eyes.

His tongue rolled on my neck as he stated sucking on my sweaty flesh, "I hate to admit it but, I fucking don't want you to be naked before any other men except me, Love, That beautiful body isn't for presentation."

I stared blankly at the wall before me, thinking of nothing but to endure it keeping the shame aside for the life who isn't at any fault.

I felt his slender fingers grazing my thighs and other rebuttoning the shirt buttons again, while the tears in my eyes flowed in relaxation.

Maybe the humanity still resides within him, doesn't matter if it's just 0.1 %, But my brain felt numb to even celebrate the happiness of not getting humiliated.

"Don't celebrate, I didn't postpone the thought of fucking you," he whispered chewing my lower lip slowly and the little hope crushed underneath his foot, as always.

"Ahhhhhh .." a loud cry left my lips as he pulled my hair dragging me down near the man who was begging me to run from there.

"What a pity.....You know little brother if I like something that thing is mine, until I choose to throw it away ...." He shamelessely uttered, moving his large palm inside my shirt, caressing in between my thighs and I held my breath forgetting what shame means.

"I will tell everything to the outer world...how mentally sick you are...." Kaustubh Screamed at him, and I just stared at him pleading to stop the nonsense.

"But Who knows Kalp Trivedi, my dear brother, do you have any proof of KT's existence, "He mocked, getting on his knees, with me still in his arms and dragged the knife over his brother's chest without any hesitation.

"Ahhhh....hhh..." He screamed in pain and my heart froze, seeing the blood flooding out of his body as water.

"Kalp no don't do it... please..." I cried trying to stop him but as always the attempts were failed.

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