Chapter 4-dad

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I got out of my car feeling shattered,I opened the front door expecting for no one to be here but I heard my mum and an all to familiar voice I rushed to the kitchen.

It was my dad.


"Well who else would it be?"

"I mean you did leave for a good 7 years,mum why would you go back to him after everything he has done to you he is going to leave again and you know it"

"Don't you dare speak to him like that ever again grace he said he has changed for good now he is hear to say no keep you mouth shut your voice is annoying no wonder no one loves you"

"But mum-"

"Don't you dare give your mother backchat,your a spoilt bitch"he screamed while grabbing my throat,he wouldn't let go than dropped me to the floor than shoving a twenty in my face.

"Now go get me and your mother some more vodka not the cheap one we want the Smirnoff now go, we're trying to celebrate"

"Last time I gave that to her she fucking wasted the money "

My dad came charging over to me and grabbed my arm "no if you dare waste my money you will get a beating so bad you'll never step foot in this house again now leave."

I didn't think once and practically ran out the house.

I had a lot of love for my family before they chose achihol and drugs over their own daughter .

I got to town and parked in a safe lot area and went into the first shop,they turned me down number 1 I was to young and didn't even have id.

Most of the stores were closed as it was a sunday at 8.00pm but I saw a lit bar across the street I took my chances .

There was no bouncer so I quikly stepped inside before anyone noticed me when I walked in some men were looking at me weirdly but I ignored it and went over to the bar.

The bar tender later came up to me "could I have a bottle of Smirnoff please"

"Hardcore for a young girl like you hold old are you?"

"25"I blurted out I couldn't have used an age like I don't know 21 I look nowhere near 25.

"Well I'll take you for you word, if you got let in I'm sure your allowed"he grabbed the Smirnoff ice I knew my mum didn't like that so I quikly corrected him payed and basicly ran out before anyone could say anything.

Than it felt like I walked into a brick wall."ouch"all I could think of was my nose ,I looked up to see Ezra ,oh shoot.

I tried to make my run for it befor I got thrown into the air over his shoulders and brought into the back room .Oh my gosh I was right he was a kidnapper.

"Hey look mister Ezra or should I say kidnapper it would be nice of you to put me down." and he did,I looked at his shirt and there was blood a lot ,oh no was he a killer!

"If you're going to kill me do it now!"

"I'm not going to kill you the blood is from your nose,that old lady was right you are clumsy"

"Hey! Don't call Edith that that's mean!"

He grabbed some tissues and put it to my nose that gabbed the bag out my hand with the vodka

"Give that back it's mine!"

"And you're not of age how did you get in anyway we have security?"

"Well your security is not good now if you wouldn't mind giving me my drink back that would be nice!"

"And why should I"he said clearly not amused

"Well I'm experiencing drinking so u would like it back!"

He handed it back and gave me more tissue and now I'm still wondering why I'm in the back of a bar with a man I met only today (correction yesterday)

"Can I go home now or are you a kidnapper"

"Not yet"he said sternly

"Umm why"this man is very confusing more confusing than the time greys anatomy killed of mc dreamy that was a very sad time.

"There were some creeps following you out the bar and whatever happened with your nose,I'll walk you out."he said adametly

All I was thinking about was how long I was taking to get home and how mad my parents would be at me ,so I took his word grabbed his hand whitch he soon let go of and walked out with him and gosh darn it it was raining.

"Well thank you I'm going to my car now"Well I'm adding this to my most awkward moments in my life ouch that even hurt me.

I quikly ran to my car hoping for the best, hopefully they won't mind that I'm a bit late.

If you guys have any tips please let me know!!!

Word count-840 words

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