🧡🤍🗝️ Red. Is. Sus. (Judah x Reader)

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TW // Aggression

🤍⚪️ Y/N's POV:
Video: 'Among Us Hide & Seek In Real Life'

"I only have one thing to say. Red's sus!" Judah yelled out, and, as we all turned to look at him, a massive grin appeared on his face as he pointed at Red.

"What? You can't just accuse me." Red snapped back, moving slightly towards his accuser, and a sense of unease filled me. Something was telling me that this wasn't a normal imposter and that the boy that I loved was in danger.

In response, I saw the joy in Jude's face fade a little and almost turn into a look of fear and shock, but the smile soon returned, him clearly not realising how much danger he was in, and said, "Oh, trust me. I can. It's a vibe thing."

"He does this all the time," Britney continued, trying to justify her younger brother-in-law's actions while simply nodding and pointing towards him.

"This imposter is very dangerous." Shiloh said firmly, trying to get everyone to listen to her, but I could already tell that only Elijah and I were; everyone else was fascinated by the unpredictable scene that was playing out before them.

"You take that back right now." Red hissed, leaning even further across the table to point and glare at Judah.

In an almost silent response, my crush's mouth let out a gasp, and his hand quickly flew over his heart in a fake-hurt position. However, his actions only served negatively, as his aggressor only continued to become more angry and frustrated.

"Judah's right, Red's sus." Josiah agreed, nodding his head towards his youngest brother.

"Guys! No, wait. Hang on. Judah. Don't upset him." Elijah warned, struggling for words as he simultaneously tried to get Jude out of the situation that he was currently in and to get everyone out of danger.

"Guys, listen to Shiloh; she's right." I put in, desperately trying to get her to be heard. I already knew that if Red was pushed past his breaking point, only destruction and pain would be caused.

"I will never regret the truth." Judah declared, pointing at the two of us with a determined facial expression, completely ignoring either of our pleas. "Red. Is. Sus!"

Suddenly, Red grabbed the silver emergency meeting table with both hands and slammed his body against it as he fell towards it. Seemingly, no longer able to stand as his anger filled and corrupted his body.

I jumped and took a singular step backwards as a gasp echoed around the room. Starting to panic, I began to see my friend's faces begin to change into looks of either fear or horror as they looked upon the terrifying scene.

I turned my head to look at my crush and found that his once-smiling mouth was wide open and that his usually glee-filled brown eyes were filled with fear.

Before, I looked at Eli to find that his mouth had also fallen open but that his normally energetic face was pale instead of his eyes being full of fear like Judah's.

This was bad. Like, really bad.

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