Knocked Over Red-handed

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Tina was a 17 year old young girl, who hated violence and any mentions of ANYTHING that can kill her at a moment's notice.

She never wanted to die at all, since she had plans in her future. She wanted to go to college, get a scholarship, and get a job.

She was best friends with Jenny, as she always came to her house to visit and talk about her future while Jenny is like "uh, yeah, o-okay, yeah.", obviously not paying attention.

So yeah, Tina had a good life for a young girl, but she'll end up just like the other victims in this book, and lose everything she had.

Right now, she was finished talking with Jenny and walked out of her house as Jenny waved at her from behind. Tina closed the door and sighed.

" I gotta get home." She quietly said to herself before walking off.

She would walk down the sidewalk so she can get to her home. She continued to walk until she heard a metal clater somewhere near by.

She looked behind her looking confused. She looked around a bit more but still saw nothing. So she shrugged and continues to walk down the sidewalk.

Well, she tried to at least. But then she was bashed in the head by a metal pipe and then fell over.

And yep, Animatic was the one who bashed her head in with a metal pipe as it made a noise SO LOUD MY EARS ARE BLEEDING FROM THE REAL WORLD- ahem, anyways...

Animatic then picked Tina up like she was a sack of potatoes, and then POP! they were both gone, as if they were never there.

Later, Tina would wake up as she groaned in pain. She got up, dusted herself off, and looked around. She saw that she was in some strange background.

When she looked at her arm, she looked...worried and confused. She saw a nasty bite mark on her arm, seemingly fresh.

She wanted to question this until she saw her arms growing thinner. She then stumbled back in fear and fell back as her arms turned a...dark navy blue.

As her legs suffered the same fate, going thinner until they were sticks, and turning a dark navy blue, she felt a jolt in her "nether regions".

She whimpered in pain as she felt her womanhood shrivel up into nothingness. Even though she was genderless, she felt like a HE.

He looked at his skin as it was turned some kind of shade of pink as he grew a dark navy blue outline. His hair then turned a mint green and transformed into...some kind of stem? But it looked more like a small explosion.

As his body shifted shape into a circle, he felt his eyes sting. He blinked multiple times until they were big, white eyes with small pupils, that were a dark navy blue. His mouth would then simplify into a line as he grew buck teeth.

"Wh-Why is this...happening to me?..." Tina asked himself weakly. He then panicked at his completely different voice, from a soft, feminine voice to a YEE-HAW! kind of voice.

Tina slowly got up, and looked down and was frightened by how much he bled from his

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Tina slowly got up, and looked down and was frightened by how much he bled from his...rather painful transformation he dealt with.

"Is it...ov-AAAAAAAGH!!!" Tina screamed in pain as the mental changes were starting.

TOna felt his human memroeis slowly escape his grasp. High School? More like Bye School. Relationships? He clearly has no bitches around.

TOMATa then remembered that he was competing in Animatic Battle, in a team called Happy Meatbill. He would then remember that he just straight up wants to fucking kill himself.

TOMATEa tried his last attempt to hold onto his old, human memories. But he ended up...


Now, Tina was officially gone, and TOMATER was in her place.

"Ugh...huh? Why am I on the ground?" TOMATER asked himself before getting up and walking off to find his team.


Jenny had heard that Daniel, the son of Wanda had just magically dissapeared, nowhere to be seen. She assumed it was because of Iris's doing, and wanted to comfort Wanda, but never found her.

"Oh, I just hope she's alright..." Jenny sighed.

Wanda to Weathery TF/TG/MC

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