Episode 4: Cirque du Fievel

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The episode opens with the circus train at the loading platform which is at the circus headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin. The circus animals march into their cars, while the circus workers help load the wagons onto the flat cars. One worker struggles to hold a squirming, fez-wearing monkey in his arms. At the same time we hear the Ringmaster talking to the circus workers

RINGMASTER: Come on, time to go. We haven't got all day. Come on, boy. Get that monkey on the train. There we go.

(the train is finally loaded up and ready, and the ringmaster climbs on board the caboose and waves to the engineer)

RINGMASTER: All aboard! The Redmon Brothers' Circus is heading off for New York City! 


Cut to up front, the locomotive, a 2-6-0 Baldwin mogul, blows its whistle in response, gives a loud hiss of steam, then the train begins to move as the ringmaster gets inside the caboose.

Run-on shot of the circus train picking up speed. It rumbles out the circus quarters railyard, then passes over the switches onto the main track, heading northeast. The camera goes from the locomotive puffing gray smoke and blowing steam from both sides, past the various loaded cars and coaches, to the red caboose on the very end. Zoom-in on the writing on the caboose's side, which says in large letters "Redmon Brothers' Circus".


We then fade-transition to the "Redmon Brothers' Circus" words now seen on a poster on a brick building in New York City. Then, we go to a group of human kids playing a game of stickball in an alleyway behind tenements. One of the kids, who was up at bat, hits the ball. The ball flies in the air so high before landing into the gutter of a nearby building. The ball rolls down the gutter pipe before coming out at the bottom. As the ball bounces and comes to a stop in the middle of the mouse neighborhood, we then see Fievel Mousekewitz skipping along happily with his friend Tiger the cat following him. Fievel stops in front of the ball.

FIEVEL: Hey, Tiger! Look at this!

TIGER: Oh, wow, Fie! It looks like a ball we could play with.

FIEVEL: Yeah! We can bounce it, or play fetch or catch with it. (Picks it up) Ready, Tiger? Catch! (Throws the ball)

TIGER: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! (Runs back to catch the ball with his paw) I got it! Good throw, Fie! (Chuckles)

FIEVEL: (giggles) Thanks, Tiger. It's your turn to throw, and my turn to catch it! Are you ready, Tiger?

TIGER: Hehe! I'm ready, Fie! (Throws the ball towards Fievel, who runs back to catch it)

FIEVEL: I got it! I got it! I got it! (Giggles as he catches it) Whoa! (Fievel then balances on top of the ball. The little boy mouse keeps his balance while he makes the ball roll towards Tiger) W-W-Whoa! (Giggles) Hey, this is fun!

(Tiger laughs)

TIGER: Wow! That was good right there, Fie!

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