43 - Unbound me

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Oliver's legs shuddered as he felt the cold breeze of the air glide against his naked body. It seems his other senses as heightened since his sense of sight was taken away from him by the tie of his suit.

He inhaled as the thump of his heart pounded against his chest. He didn't know what to expect or feel.

Oliver's body shifted as his legs were still trembling from the awkward position he was in.

His hands bonded by handcuffs behind him giving him no option but to use his head, shoulders, and core to stay steady.

Obviously, Oliver was in the face-down ass-up position all because Lev had a tattletale on him about seeing Jesse.


So here he was naked, blindfolded, hands bonded behind him and his ass in the air. He was forbidden from moving from this position for what it felt like 30 minutes ago.

He didn't know if Ivan was still here watching him or if he had left since the room was as silent as the night.

But he did know that he was hard. Oliver didn't take himself as someone to get turned on by something like this but with Ivan, it always was something new.

Oliver gritted his teeth as his erection grazed against Ivan's bedsheets.


Oliver groaned as he inhaled the scent of Ivan's sheets making his body shudder as his mind immediately thought of the Russian man fucking him.


Where the hell was Ivan?! Oliver thought his patience running thin.

His erection was starting to get painful and being horny and pissed was a good combination without any relief.

"I'm getting up," Oliver whispered, and just as he did he heard the sound of a bottle of wine popping.

"If you sit up Lisichka's I'm going to fuck you without allowing you to cum," Ivan grunted making Oliver pause.

"Have you been here this whole time?" Oliver quried.

"Da, watching your ass shake and tremble for the past couple of minutes was sexy as fuck." Ivan rasped as he manspreaded his legs in the corner where he sat.

"W-Well uncuff me, I don't like this," Oliver demanded, earning a loud huff from Ivan.

"Oliver if you didn't like it then your dick wouldn't be as hard as it is right now," Ivan grunted.

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