Clash of Thunder, Hail, and Strength

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The blue sky is covered with dark rainy clouds as Zenitsu, Zenko, Hunter, Kaigaku, Gyomei, Hanami, and August find two bodies that were slaughtered.

??: This girl was indeed tortured to death.

A kakushi examined.

??: Aside from the number of bitemarks, there are marks all over her body like she was gripped extremely hard, dried-up saliva and demonic seme all over her. So, she was raped and then eaten alive.

Gyomei began to silently pray for her soul. While August gripped his sword in anger.

August: I wish we could've helped her before she was sexual assaulted.

Hanami puts her hand on his shoulder.

Hanami: It's not your fault Subayai. None of us could've predicted this.

Zenitsu: And what ever became of that man?

??: He bled out to death. But there was something weird when we made contact with his body, we felt a mild shock, almost as if he was stabbed by electricity.

Zenitsu, Zenko, Kaigaku, and Hunter were shocked. Electricity being used to manipulate a weapon.

Hunter: We need to step outside.

They walk outside the temple as they feel rain patter down into them. They couldn't be angrier or upset that they couldn't prevent this from happening.

Zenko: I can't believe this. Can you guys?

Hunter: Once I find him, he's dead.

He said as his anger boils up and both his legs began to engulf in fire. But Zenitsu place his hands on his shoulder.

Zenitsu: Hunter calm down. You can unleash your anger when we find him.

Hearing this Hunter relaxed a little and the fire on his legs extinguished.

Kaigaku didn't answer while Zenitsu, Zenko, and Hunter were angry, Kaigaku was beyond furious knowing who did this.

Gyomei: Are you four thinking that it could be him?

He said stepping outside with Hanami and August.

Zenko: We haven't heard anything from him in months. He still blames me and Kaigaku for taking his title as the next Thunder Hashira.

Kaigaku: He has a title alright! The title of being a greedy coward!

Zenitsu: What do you mean?

Kaigaku, Gyomei, Hanami, and August looked at each other and then sighed.

Kaigaku: Guys. There' something I should've told you all a long time ago.

Hunter: And what's that?

But as Kaigaku was about to explain, Gyomei stops him.

Gyomei: Don't I'll tell them.

Kaigaku then nods.

Gyomei: Nine years ago, we once lived in a temple with nine other children. Though we were not born of blood, we still had bonds strong enough to be a true family. But nothing could last forever. One of the children was caught stealing money for the temple. He was thrown out for breaking the rules and was chased away that night. It wasn't long until he encountered a demon. So, he offered our lives in exchange for his, but not before he told it to spare Kaigaku. So, he quietly returned and put out the Wisteria incense, allowing the demon to enter and slaughter four of the kids. Two more tried to escape but were killed before they could leave. Leaving me, Kaigaku, Hanami, August, and a young girl Sayo, I told Hanami to take the kids to safety as I smashed the demon's head in until the sun came up burning the demon. Just as help arrived, they were confused on the entire situation without knowledge of demons existing. Sayo saw the other children murderer and myself covered in blood, she accused me of murdering our little family. I was deemed a monster because of my size and strength. I was charged with murder and was imprisoned. Kaigaku, August, and Hanami tried to stick up for me and saying that it was a demon, but no one believed them. They then ran away and try and convince someone what they saw. Before I was sentenced to death I met a young man at the age of fourteen with Kaigaku, August, and my fiancé Hanami. He saw my true nature, my good intentions, and my relationship with Kaigaku, August, and Hanami. Soon, I began to see a virtue; once you're in a corner, your real nature begins to come out. Zenitsu, Zenko, Hunter our misfortune can be returned with kindness. 

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