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5 years later Ash had stayed home a extra 2 years wanting to be sure he was fully prepared for his journey

As for his pokemon

Charmander is now Charmeleon

Bulbasaur is now Ivysaur

Squirtle is now Wartortle

Meowth is now Persian

Rhyhorn is now rhydon

Riolu is now a Lucario

Ash then scans them all and was impressed and gets a shower at changed into his journey clothes

Delia you've grown so much my son from mastering your aura to now being the Aura Grand Master were proud of you

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Delia you've grown so much my son from mastering your aura to now being the Aura Grand Master were proud of you

Ash thanks mom I should go get the dex updated I'll be back soon

They nodded

Ash walks to professor oaks lab

Oak ah right on time ash give me your dex to update

Ash does so

Oak Im Letting you carry all your pokemon Ash you are the aura grand master

Ash thanks professor

Ash sees a Pikachu eating power cables and sent Charmeleon out to battle it

Ash Charmeleon use ember

Pikachu used agility

Ash metal claw knock it out

Pikachu faints

Ash catches it with a friend ball

Professor good job my boy

Ash nods

Ash scans him quickly and nods impressed a bit

Ash heads home to eat and grab his bag

Delia ash it's time I gave you your key stone necklace

Bruno here's a rare Charizardite Z Mega stone Blastoiseite Venusaurite mega stones in holders already

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Bruno here's a rare Charizardite Z Mega stone Blastoiseite Venusaurite mega stones in holders already

He nods putting necklace on and other stuff in bag and picks it up after eating

To be continued

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