A Cold and Lonely Night

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"Nice to meet you again doll," Kris smirked, his voice dripping with a sickeningly sweet sarcasm

Taehyung locked eyes with Kris, his glare could have melted steel. "What are you doing here?" he spat, the words laced with venom, The last person he wanted to see in this dank prison cell was Kris

"Where are your manners, baby?" Kris cooed, "That's not the way to treat a visitor." He moved closer, a cruel smirk twisting his lips, making the hairs on the back of Taehyung's neck stand on end.

Kris smirked resting his hand on top of taehyung's hand which was holding the prison bar, taehyung flinched as he stepped back feeling disgusted

Taehyung's jaw clenched so hard his teeth threatened to shatter.

Kris turned towards a guard standing nearby, he gave him a nod and a few murmured words later, the guard took a ring of keys from his pocket and with a heavy clang, unlocked the cell door.

As the door swung open, Kris walked inside, a predatory hunger in his eyes. Taehyung stepped back instinctively, his back hitting the rough concrete wall. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in his gut. He was trapped with his tormentor

"Wow," Kris grinned, his gaze lingering on Taehyung's body as he stepped closer towards taehyung

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"Wow," Kris grinned, his gaze lingering on Taehyung's body as he stepped closer towards taehyung. "How can you look so gorgeous even in that...prison uniform chic? Makes me want to fuck you against this wall-

Tae raised his hand to slap him but before his palm could connect with kris face, he gasped when Kris grabbed his wrist

Kris's playful demeanor vanished as he glared at Taehyung, "There's no need to get physical, baby," he growled, the sweetness in his voice replaced by a dangerous tone "Trust me, if I get physical, you wouldn't be able to bear it."

He squeezed Tae's wrist harshly with a cruel smile twisting his lips. Pain flared up in Tae's arm, tas gritted his teeth, refusing to give Kris the satisfaction of his pain

Kris forwarded his hand, one hand grabbing Taehyung's upper arm, the other snaking around his waist.Before Taehyung could react, he was pulled close, the space between them decreased

"Jungkook is so damn lucky to have a beauty like you," Kris breathed into Taehyung's ear, his voice sounded deep and husky that sent chills down Taehyung's spine

Then a slow, dangerous smirk spread across Taehyung's face.

"If that same Jungkook was here," Taehyung said, his voice dripping with icy calm "then you wouldn't be complimenting my beauty. You'd be begging for mercy after he finished hitting you to death for touching me like this."

A humorless chuckle escaped Kris's lips

"He's not here, that's the point, doll."

Taehyung gasped when kris pushed him roughly, taehyung stumbled back and he landed with a thud against the hard wall, the impact momentarily knocking the breath out of him, But before he could react, Kris's gaze darted towards the corridor.

Kris grabbed a chair from ouside the cell and dragged it towards Taehyung and he sat on it

"Now, now, doll," he cooed, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "Let's talk about something important. You can either sit down", he gestured towards the dirty floor "or you can sit on my lap, dollface" He chuckled patting his thigh with a flirty wink

He glared at Kris, his jaw clenched so tight his teeth threatened to shatter "I'd rather stand."

"Suits you baby and Let me introduce myself properly," The smirk on Kris's face widened, a cruel amusement dancing in his eyes "I am Jeon Kris, Jungkook's cousin."

Taehyung's breath hitched. Jeon Kris? Jungkook's cousin? What ?! Jungkook has a cousin ? Kris's smirk widened, seeing Taehyung shock.

"Surprised, doll?" he chuckled as He leaned back on the chair

Taehyung's eyes widened in shock, his mind struggling to grasp the bombshell dropped on him

"What?" he finally managed to croak, his voice hoarse with disbelief.

Kris smirked revealing everything to taehyung, he said why he wants to kill Jungkook and also he didn't mention how he blackmailed Naina because he wanted naina to appear bad infront of taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung's breath hitched, a sob escaping his lips. The revelation of Kris's true motives, Taehyung felt a sob rise in his throat, tears pricking at his eyes

"Since this is such a high-profile case," Kris continued, his voice laced with a sadistic amusement, "the court will be declaring its judgment tomorrow. You'll be lucky, doll. It'll be either a hanging or a lifetime in a much larger jail. A definite upgrade from this stinking cell, wouldn't you agree?"

"Everyone saw how you tried to kill Jungkook and no lawyer is willing to take your side" Kris taunted, He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with a chilling sadistic pleasure.

"Pity, isn't it? Your precious Jungkook, the one you supposedly love, wouldn't even lift a finger to help you."

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, tears stinging his lashes, taehyung felt his knees wobble, with a gasp he fell on his knees as tears welled up in his eyes

"You and your Jungkook will die tomorrow," Kris chuckled looking at taehyung "You'll get killed by the law, while your precious lover..." he paused, looking at his own hands "...will get killed by my hands."

Kris stood up from the chair, He walked towards the cell door, his steps echoing in the silence. He glanced at taehyung one last time and he saw a broken figure crumpled on the cold floor

Kris threw his head back and let out a chilling laugh. The heavy clang of the cell door slamming shut reverberated through the narrow space, Taehyung flinched at the sound, his breath catching in his throat

Kris's words echoed in his mind, each word piercing his heart. "You and your Jungkook will die tomorrow."

"No," he rasped, his voice hoarse with despair. "This can't be happening. It's all a lie...a nightmare." Taehyung cried loudly shaking his head furiously

Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision, Taehyung sank to his knees, the cold concrete biting through his thin prison uniform.

As the night wore on, Taehyung's ragged sobs subsided into an exhausted whimper. The damp concrete floor offered scant comfort, but his body, drained of all energy, couldn't muster the strength to protest. Curled up in a fetal position, his arms wrapped around himself for a semblance of warmth, sleep, finally claimed him.

Next chapter is the turning point of this book and end of the angst 🤭🫶

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