all of those years ago...

1 0 0

"Its fine, it's cool, you can we had nothing but you know the truth. I guess I'm the fool."

Brimany's words stung in my heart.

God how right she was, my life was shit now. I had no peace, I had no fun, I had nothing but endless bickering and arguments with Chris, my husband.

I sighed, looking up at the ceiling as I laid in bed.

I couldn't help but think of her.

How much fun we had back then, back when I wasn't a coward, when I was truthful to myself, before my parents got to my head.

Brimany was my best friend from elementary. We spent everyday together until the summer after we graduated.

I kissed her and thats when it all happened.

Our feelings grew stronger and we started dating and God it was amazing. She knew what to say, she knew what to do, she knew me like no one else.

She knew how to make me cum.

Those months we spent together, she sent me to heaven and back every time she got between my legs.

And she wasn't just amazing in bed, she was an amazing person overall. She took me out on dates without me even knowing, she bought me gifts, things I needed.

When I had my period, she always came with pads and tacos.

Comparing her to Chris, was unfair for her, it was cruel. Chris could never make me feel like she did, but I stupidly chose him over her.

"Hey, hurry up and get ready! We gotta leave in 20 minutes!"

Speaking of the devil. I nodded, waving him off and getting up. I wish I listened to her and just ran away with her.

But, there's a chance I'd see her tonight.

I still kept in contact with our high school friend group, and tonight, we were all meeting up for dinner to catch up. It has been five years since graduation...five years since that night.

I shook my head, putting on the provocative dress Chris picked out for tonight. I didn't want to wear it, it wasn't really my style. I like dresses, but not skin showing dresses.

But nevertheless, I don't want to have another argument with Chris so I put it on and walked downstairs.

"Finally, you took long enough."

I rolled my eyes, walking past him. He followed me and we got in the car. He drove and I couldn't help but think about her as I stared out the window.

I remembered how her eyes sparkled every time she saw me, she'd shower me in compliments, call me beautiful and gorgeous even when I didn't dress up.

She wouldn't make me use makeup, she wouldn't have forced me to cut my hair.

My thoughts were cut off when the car door opened and slammed. I didn't even know we were already here.

Getting out, I walked in, leaving Chris behind. These were MY friends, I wasn't gonna wait for him.

But, I definitely didn't expect to see the woman who occupied my thoughts and dreams, sitting there in all her glory at the table with our friends.

How did she get hotter?! So unfair!!

I felt like I was a senior again, and we were back at her beach house. Chris was doing whatever the hell he was doing, but I didn't care.

She was here, like really here.

It shocked me when she finally noticed me. I smiled, waving while blushing slightly, but she looked away from me and I felt like my heart was burning.

I frowned, until Becca saw me and got up, squealing.

"Y/N!! YOU MADE IT!! Now the girl squad is complete!"

She said as she dragged me over and I couldn't help but keep my head down.

"We saved you a seat next to your bestie~"


To my surprise, Brim and I said it at the same time and I looked at her, hurt.

"You two always sat next to each other, you've never sat sit!"

Becca ordered and sat me down in the empty seat next to Brim.

I couldn't be mad at Becca, no one in our friend group knew what happened that summer. We never spoke about it and Brim moved away for college.

I felt like a schoolgirl sitting next to her crush, but she wasn't looking at me, she was looking away.

When Chris came to the table, I thought I'd get a reaction out of her, anything to show that she felt the way I did, but there was nothing.

That killed my mood. I didn't talk, didn't drink, didn't eat. I just sat there, trying not to cry. It hurt, we used to be so close and I wanted nothing more than to be like that again, but more.

There were so many things I wanted to tell her.

I heard the chair next to me move and looked at Brim, seeing her get up and take out her wallet, dropping money on the table.

"I'll be leaving."

She said and I panicked, watching her walk away from the table and I gripped the edge of the table. When she walked out the door, my body moved before I told it to and before I knew it, I was following her out.

"BRIM! Wait, please!"

I said in a hurry as I rushed to her. She turned, looking down at me, her face twisting into a frown.

Standing in front of her made me feel small, but I had to talk to her.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

I asked, my voice cracking.

"I'm not."

She said so carelessly and I groaned in frustration.

"YOU ARE! You didn't wave or even acknowledge me when I walked in, then you refused to look or talk to me all night! Thats the definition of avoiding!"

I yelled, I didn't mean to, but I was an emotional wreck right now. She was the only person I ever wanted to be around, but she didn't seem to want to be around me.

"You're being dramat-"


I yelled with my whole chest, my fists clenched in tight balls and my eyes were closed. It felt so good to say that out loud.

"You didn't want a life with me, you wanted a life with him. You told me to leave you alone, thats exactly what I'm doing. You already broke my heart, what else do you want from me?"

Her voice was strict, but I could hear the pain in her voice and I couldn't help but cry. I didn't care if it was in public and people heard me, I couldn't take this anymore.

"I-I take it back! I don't want you to leave me alone! You were right, I didn't love Chris...I-I was just stupid, and dumb and an idiot!"

I sobbed, looking up at her.

"I-I love you...please, Brim. I love you."

She looked down at me, her expression staying the same.

"You know i hate to say, but I told you so."

Was the last words she said before she got in her car and drove away, my heart breaking as she did and I fell to my knees, our friends rushing out of the restaurant to comfort me, but nothing could.

I lost my best friend, my first love, the only person I wanted in life. She was gone, all because I couldn't admit to my parents I was a lesbian....


Imma make a pt.2 but separate story

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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