8. Hiling (Angst)

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Risa's POV:
It's been years since then. I've missed my darling, my baby, my love, my... Alice.

Until today, I regret letting her go. I regret how I let the odds beat us. I hate how I did nothing to fight for our relationship.

I guess.. walang nag-tatagal. People come, and people go. I hate the day we said goodbye. I wish I stopped her from slipping through my fingers.

I'm happy. Kasama ko ang mga anak ko kahit minsan, sumasagi sa isip ko kung ano kami kasama ang mga anak ko.

Masaya siguro..

I need her. I want her back.


While Risa was walking in the park with her kids, she heard a familiar laugh from afar.

When she tilted her head, she saw a tall, chinita girl with glasses.

It was Alice. Her greatest love. The girl she loved the most.

"Walang nag-bago, maganda ka pa rin." She said to herself.

She was happy to see Alice.

Alice, with her own family, own kids, and a loving husband.

It could have been them, don't you think?

Alice x Risa one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now