noah and beau make it to the bathroom. beau strips noah in the big stall, because they're actually kinda smart compared to those boys. beau unzips his jeans. "wow! you have a looooooong dick!" noah says, amazed. "that's going in your mouth, honey!😊" beau says, reminding noah of his grandma. beau takes some bluechew, and inserts his weinie doggy into noah's mouth. beau starts thrusting very soft and slow. beau's soon-to-be children start dripping down noah's throat. noah starts to get really hard, to the point where his dick is literally in beau's mouth. "uh😩" beau lightly moans. beau is producing enough children, that noah grabs a cup out of beau's backpack and beau overflows it with his soon-to-be children. noah drinks the smoothie that beau prepared just for him. NOAH IS DRINKING HIS CHILDREN!!! i can't help that my future children are tasty as fuck. noah thinks to himself.