Chapter 12 Assault

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In the building used as a temporary residence by Hasegawa and Shirou there is an inhuman restlessness in particular in the living room where the only persistent noise is the television open in a channel where it showed the news, the news that had caused the most sensation today is a murder that happened in the Tadokoro residence.

The news discussed the incident with extreme attention telling how Mrs. Tadokoro and Mr. Tadokoro had been brutally killed along with their only son Kenya, their death was described as quick, but whatever the murder weapon that had killed those poor souls was described as sharp enough to cut the bones cleanly.

While the voice of the journalist continued to speak about what happened, sitting on the sofa in the living room there is a very worried Kana is taken by anxiety as she hugged her legs putting on a fetal position in search of comfort or safety, to her right was her husband who carefully hug  to console his wife.

Which unfortunately did not work very well, the beast named guilt, bites her heart continuously bleeding, the guilt of the death of Kenya and her parents was  and above all the kidnapping of her child made the poor heart of the retired taimanin now softened bleed.

In the end, her mind had arrived has a single result, it is her fault that her son was kidnapped, because she had escaped from that hellish world and because she was born as taimanin, it is naively I think that closing with that world in point blank was enough to put her family safe, how wrong she was, reality had punished her in the worst possible way.

the funny part is that Kana felt proud when she was young to be a Taimanin but now she was quite the opposite, she saw it more as a curse to be part of that group of Ninjas, where if you lose, it takes away everything you have, even yourself.

with tears in her eyes she shifted her gaze to the kitchen door where only the figure of the man who had organized the murder of Kenya's family could be seen, Kana did not expect that the elegant and arrogant looking boy she had discovered after their first meeting that he is a mercenary was actually one of the most dangerous demons known, the wind demon Hasegawa who is there who was quietly planning his next move after killing that family as if nothing had happened.

-How could such a situation go from worst to so horrible! - were Hasegawa's thoughts as he re-checked the structural map of a certain steel mill.

Twenty-four hours had passed since Satoru's kidnapping and everyone's mood could have been more than bad, Hasegawa and Karin were working incessantly to identify the place where Satoru was taken, managing in a period of four hours to identify the possible place where he is.

thanks to their information collected and connecting the points of the different assaults of the Incubus group, they had identified the closest and most suitable industrial facility to use it as a base, especially seeing how the factory was perfectly located in the center of the area of the kidnappings that took place in the prefectures around Gunma.

Obviously when the place where Satoru is imprisoned was found, Kana wanted to go immediately to save her son, but Karin refrained from acting with so much indifference.

I remind him that the kidnapping of his son was perhaps another ploy to lure her into a trap and then cartula, obviously at first Karin's words did not affect the worried mother, but it takes Hasegawa's heavy hand to shake her.

Just remind him what would happen if she was caught while his son is in their hands, just say a simple sentence to stop his madness, and it was "They will break your mind in front of your son." that simple sentence was enough to make it clear what Hasegawa and Karin were talking about.

everyone in those inside the house, except Kana's husband, knew that incubus were not demons famous for their strength, but for their sadistic methods of breaking women and men using carnal pleasure, the worst part is that some Incubus or succubus enjoyed doing it in front of the victim's loved ones, because they enjoyed seeing the suffering of others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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