Chapter Thirty-Seven - Billie

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"Why would she go and get so fucking drunk?" I ask myself, looking at Y/n who can barely hold herself up.

"She's your responsibility. You should've been watching her," Finneas tells me. I rolled my eyes.

"Should I go get her?"

"No, I'd say leave her be for now. She's not hurting anything. Besides, it's her birthday, and this is a New Year's party, so of course she's gonna drink a lot."

"Yeah, I kind of figured she'd get drunk as fuck so I haven't had much tonight. I also drove here, so "

"You're welcome by the way," he says.

"Yeah, thanks for the party here," I say sarcastically. "Where's Claudia?"

"She's over by Y/n. They're dancing together," I nod.

"I'll be back," I say and walk away. I need air. There are far too many people in there. I sit on the ground just looking around.

"Where's my girlfriend?" I hear Y/n say, and I turn around to see her stumbling towards me. I get up and walk over to her, and she leans on me.

"Hi, baby," she says. I can smell the alcohol on her breath. "What are you doing out here?"

"I'm just getting some fresh air. What are you doing?"

"Looking for you," she slurs. She tries to stand but almost falls.

"Okay, let's not do that. Come on, lean on me," I say softly, and she laughs.

"I love you," she mumbles. I smile.

"I love you, too, baby,"

"I want another drink," she says and tries going back inside, but I stop her.

"No, I don't think you need another drink. If you want something, you can have water," I tell her. She groans.

"No. No, water," she argues.

"Well, that's all you're gonna get. You are far too drunk,"

"You're no fun," she slurs.

"Well, that sucks because you're stuck with me. Let's go inside and get you water," I help her inside, and we make our way to the kitchen.

"Y/n, you want another drink?" I hear someone ask.

"No, she's cut off. She's not having anymore," I say, and they walk away. I make her a glass of water and give it to her, and she drinks it.

"There you are," Finneas says, walking over to us. "Have you seen Claudia? I don't know where she's at,"

"I have no idea," I tell him. He sighs and walks away. "You okay?"

"Mhm, I'm fine. Can I have another shot?" She asks as she starts making one.

"No, you don't need another," I tell her and stop her.

"This is my party, and you're taking away all the fun of it," she complains.

"Well, that's what I'm here for. To take away all the fun out of everything," I say sarcastically. "Let me get you more water," I say. When I turn around, I see her in the middle of taking that shot she made. I roll my eyes. "You're gonna regret that,"

"Sure," she says. After a few seconds, she makes a face. Yup. She gets up and makes her way to the bathroom. I just follow her. I shut the door as she hunches over the toilet and starts throwing up. I grab her hair and hold it out of her face. I slowly start rubbing her back.

She threw up for about five minutes before she stopped, but she didn't move. She just lays there, resting her head on her arm. She groans and starts crying.

In The Crowd - B.E.Where stories live. Discover now