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It has been a week since that night with my dad. I guess since that night he has had a substitute because he went on vacation with my mom. Now he is back at school and he is going to find out that I am not in his class. I went the whole day not talking, or running into him. I ran into Jordan though and he said that he was sorry for what he did and that he was getting back into guitar. I was happy he was going to give up the bullshitting and start to be nice to others and stick up for Riley. I was leaving the school when I was cornered on the backside of the school. "Who the hell are you to switch out of my class?" My dad said. I didn't answer. He said, "Who the hell are you to do that? Who told you to do that?" Still I didn't answer. My dad got a dangerous dark smirk on his face and glared into my soul. He put his face close to my ear and said, "You should've been born a girl you pathetic boy. At least you could get payed as a prostitute. You fag. Yes I know you are gay. Everyone does. You don't hide it." I started shaking in fear holding back the tears that threatened to flow over. I will not let him see me cry.

(might get descriptive. For warning you).

He gripped the top of my hair and shoved my head against the wall. Then he moved his other hand to my crouch and squeezed. I shut my eyes in pain as he continued with the torture. He kept a tight grip on my hair so I wouldn't escape his torture, to him it was pleasure. He then started to kiss my neck, but hard enough to make me bleed. I think he was trying to drain me. He did this for an hours or so after school ended. He slipped his hand in to my pants, past my boxers and up my butt. It was gross, I felt gross and violated. I couldn't fight back, I haven't eaten in a week and so I myself am weak. I should probably tell someone and get help, but I know that I'd get in trouble. He fingered my member and then let me go. He smirked letting me go after on last grope and head bang. He left and once he was out of sight I slid to the floor letting the tears flow.

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