Part 2

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Lucy: "Maybe, but I think you should take some time you know, get over Ashley."

Tim: "Lucy, I promise you, I don't have to get over her, we went out on like 4 dates"

Lucy: "That may be so, but I can't just jump into a relationship with some one who had sex with a different chick less then what a week ago?"

Tim: "Lucy, Ashley and I didn't do anything like that, we kissed maybe like 3 times but nothing more than that"

Lucy: "Really?"

Tim: "Yes, I was saving myself for marriage from the beginning with Isabell but then the whole fiasco got throw in my face and I'm more then positive she's forgotten what I looked like, and I wanted to wait a while before I jumped into bed with Ashley especially since I couldn't see a long-lasting future with her"

Lucy: "What about us?"

Tim: "We haven't even been on our first date and you're asking if I see a future with you?"

Lucy: "Yeah"

Tim: "You want the truth?"

Lucy: "Always"

Tim: "Since the first time is saw you I didn't think you would be 'just another rookie' I knew you would be different and like always I was right, and no matter how much I try and see things differently the only think I can picture when I see the future is you and little us running around in the garden, or making breakfast as a family together"

Lucy: "That should be your proposal speech"

Tim: "Really? You don't what to have a surprise speech for the day your about to become a Bradford?"

Lucy: "I didn't say that's all you have to say you should definitely add more"

Tim: "Well I hope to have more memories to add for it"

Lucy: "You mean torturing me as a rookie wasn't enough memories for you?"

Tim: "We need more memories where it was fun for both of us"

Lucy: "Well why don't we? Let's give it a week and if you still feel the same ask me out"

Tim: "If that's what you're comfortable with ok"

Lucy: "Ok, I'll be waiting"

Tim: "Me too, but right now I'm hungry, Pancakes?"

Lucy: "Yeah, sure. Do you mind if i have a shower?"

Tim: "Go for it, I'll set some clothes out on the bed for you"

Lucy: "Tim, Thank you"

Tim: "What for, being a friend?"

Lucy: "For making sure that I was ok last night, if you hadn't I think I would be severely hung over right now. And I'm sorry again about Ashley, If I wasn't here maybe it would be different"

Tim: "At this moment it could've been different, but I wouldn't have it any other way, Now please go take your shower, you're starting to smell"

Lucy playfully hits his arm with a big grin beaming on both their faces "I am not" Lucy says while doing so. Lucy then leaves to take her shower as Tim makes his way into the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of them, Pancakes, bacon and some scrambled eggs. 

Lucy's POV:

As I'm in the shower I cant help but smile, the thought of possibly getting a date with MY crush the guy I've crushed on for years that I thought would never happen now there's a chance, I can't be happier, but I still feels guilty for being the 'main' reason why Ashley had just broke up with Tim. There's also another thing I cant get out of my head, when Ashley said "It's always Lucy this, Lucy that" did I really have that big of an impact with Tim for him to save me each time I needed someone and tamara wasn't there for me? Maybe Ashley was right, Maybe I need to be a big girl and handle it myself and not runt to Tim each time, not the mention that I really am a fat pig I need to get in better shape especially if I want to be good enough for both Tim and my job. 

Once I make my way out of the shower I see clothes on the bed that Tim had set out for me, I get changed into them and make my way out in to the kitchen the smell of eggs and bacon with the sweet maple syrup filling my nose makes me 100 times hungrier. 

Lucy: "Lets hope this tastes as good as it smells hey?" 

Tim: "Lets hope you do too"

Lucy: " excuse me?"

Tim: "I just meant you smell good" 

Lucy: "Mhm sure, you just can't wait to get in may pants, can you?"

Tim: "Ok whatever helps you sleep at night"

Lucy: "Really?"

Tim: "Hey look at that, breakfast is ready"

Lucy: "Saved by the bell"

Tim: "Shut up and eat will ya"

Lucy and Tim sit down on the table with their food in front of them and just like she wished the food was way better then it smelled, she didn't know that pancakes could taste this good but then again what  can't Tim do?

Lucy: "These are really good"

Tim: "Thanks there  my grandmas recipe she was a crazy lady but she sure as hell knew how to cook"

Lucy: "Yeah I bet, maybe you could make some other recipes for us some time?"

Tim: "Sounds perfect"

The rest of the day goes smoothly, they take Kojo on his walk and for the rest of the day they watch movies, and of course the Rams game, that Lucy  will never stop mocking Tim for. Later that day they shared their good byes even though neither of them wanted her to leave they had an early start at work in the morning and if she stayed they could very possibly stay up to the crack of dawn, at the door Tim reaches out for Lucy's arm to stop her from leaving.

Tim: "Just know that you are always welcome here and don't listen to anything Ashley said today, I love being here for you, I love that i can calm you down, and please stop talking bad bout yourself you are perfect okay?"

Lucy: "Thank you Tim"

Tim: "Of course, Good night Lucy"

Lucy: "Good night Tim"

Tim reaches for her face and plants a soft kiss to her cheek, not wanting to cross any boundaries but can't resist not kissing her somewhere. Taken back Lucy stands there looking shocked for a few seconds before smiling and returning the favor then walking back to her car waving him good bye as she pulled out of his drive. 

The next few days had felt like torcher, they were a tad bit awkward around each other yet still so flirty and touchy,  the more time went on the more impatient they both got, when ever Lucy went around to Tim's house as 'Friends' she would leave things behind so she could either come around the next day or Tim would hang it up in his closet and he would give her his jumper that she would sleep in, and at the end of each night the kissing on the cheek would move closer to her lips, but still haven crossed any lines as fair as they're comfortable with. 

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