Chapter 9: Be-Knighted

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The L/ns and the Tennysons are in Bellwood's prep-school's gym, and the boys are exercising while Groot and Zed are relaxing nearby. Ben is practicing his martial arts on a punching bag with Gwen while Y/n is doing push-up with Ciel sitting on his back while reading book as his weight.

"Weight." Y/n signaled.

Ciel patted her lap, and Zed immediately jumped on the girl before resting herself. Y/n groaned slightly by the weight increase and yet, he continued to do his push-up.

"Ok, fun's over." Kevin entered the gym. "I just set up a meeting for the shapeshifters."

Y/n groaned while lowering himself down. "Us?"

"With who?" Ben asked.

"It's important." Kevin replied.

"With who, Kevin?" Gwen glared.

"Um... the Forever Knights?"


Y/n is startled by the news and lost his strength. He fell on the floor with the weight on his back crashing him down.

"Are you crazy?!" Ben exclaimed.

"Hold it, hold it." Kevin interjected. "They're in trouble. They need help."

"Help?" Ciel stood up. "You mean, 'Luring us to a trap' help?"

"Yeah, they're no exactly friends of ours." Gwen added.

"That also mean they wouldn't be reaching out unless they had a really good reason." Kevin clarified. "Aren't you curious to find out what?"

Y/n lifted himself up. "How much did they pay you, Kev?"

"That hurts!" He scoffed. "Don't you think I ever do anything out of the goodness of my heart?"

Gwen intensified her glare. "How much?"

"I cut them a deal. Traded them for some alien tech." He confessed out of fear.

"Sounds like a good deal to me." Y/n put his jacket on. "Less alien tech, less Forever Knights for us need to be worried about."

<<Time skip, brought to you by Ciel sniffing Y/n's jacket>>

The team made it to the Forever Knight's hideout, and they're currently being escort inside by a squire. He informed the team that their target is a real life dragon, but Y/n is skeptical.

"Look blondie, all those myths and fictions you heard in stories are actually aliens. 5 years ago, we encountered some of them."

"Yeah, like that Loch Ness monster when her eggs were being stolen." Gwen recalled.

"Need to remind you guys that Wendigo are actually an alien predator like WindiGhoul." Kevin added.

"I assure that this one is an actual dragon." The squire said.

He then looked at at the Forever Knight tapestry about the dragons on the wall and began to tell the tale.

Thousand years ago, a handful of knights battled a giant fire-breathing beast. They were the king's greatest warriors, but even they couldn't finish it off. All they could do was trap it and then build a stone fortress around it.

Years went by, and dozens of farfetched dragon legends sprang up. But all the while, the knights were passing the custody of the real beast down from father to son to grandson.

"Unfortunately, the dragon was invulnerable to every new weapon we tried on it. The latest was an alien quantum-dissembler cannon. We had high hopes for it and still do." The squire informed. "But.. well, the dragon escaped."

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