Blast From The Past

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In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Rafael Barba felt a headache brewing, and he sighed audibly. Ignoring the look Carisi gave him, he stepped forward to the whiteboard. He had hoped for some quiet. Or at least fewer cases. Just for a while, just as a little break. Not to be welcomed into the station with allegedly abusive parents, underaged victims, and only a speck of evidence. That was still an exaggeration, it was essentially nothing. Staring at the whiteboard in front of him, the Assistant District Attorney had hoped very, very wrong.

"They got their kid representation," Carisi muttered.

Rafael threw a confused look his way."Why?"

Olivia shrugged. "It's not like they're talking, or explaining anything at the moment. We're pretty blind on this."

He pinched his nose and grumbled into his beard. "I've noticed. Fine. I want to talk to them. Parents and kid," he said, aware of his strained tone.

Carisi, used to the mood by now, only nodded.

"Do we know who is representing the kid?" he added, raising his brows.

"Jeff O'Neill's firm, but I'm still waiting on the paperwork," Olivia answered instead, "I can't recall them crossing our path before."

Rafael couldn't say he had either, so he shook his head. "Then let's see who we're dealing with."


Cassandra Aldridge should've asked her partner why she had gotten handed over this case, she really should've. Instead, she was sitting in between two parents, talking non-stop, while she tried to comprehend the case.

"Alright, Mrs. Cooper, that's-...," she tried, and was abruptly interrupted.

"And then that Detective, she gave me such a look, and asked why I was let go from my last job, I mean, that's none of her business, really."

Her husband nodded and Cassandra made a small note in her file. "You're so right honey," he patted her hand, now turning to look at Cassandra, "That's why we hired you."

She blinked a few times. Leaning back, she gave both parents a long look. "I'm a lawyer for children and people getting divorced, Mr Cooper, you're aware of that? If you want a defence for yourself, I'm not the right lawyer."

The husband nodded enthusiastically. "We have a defence lawyer. We need you for Dylan."

Said teenager gave her a look out of his big brown eyes, his lips tightly pressed onto each other. That's a little weird, she thought to herself. Cassandra wondered if she could recount the last time an innocent parent lawyered up for their child. She couldn't.

"Alright. But so far, I don't see any charges, that's correct? And there is nothing tangible so far, no accusation?" she asked slowly, suppressing the urge to scratch her head in confusion. Their enthusiasm was odd. No warrant, no scheduled hearing, no nothing. Usually, Cassandra worked with parents who hated each other's gut, but that was beside the point right now.

"Yes, not that we did anything, but we were worried that Dylan might be questioned, and we didn't want him to be without representation," Mrs Cooper explained, smiling at her, "And you've been a recommendation by our friends."

For a second, Cassandra wondered if she would ever get used to being recommended for divorce. "Okay then," she said distinctly, "Then I would like to speak to Dylan. Alone, since he is my client now."

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