"Im hungry"

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"Dad do we really have to?"
I said in the back as he drove
Dad: "Alice it's just a couple of minutes see we're at the bridge already?" He drove i groan "but it's boring I'm hungry too! Pleaseee??!!" I begged as I looked at my half burnt and dirty notebook it was small I got it from Vancouver and stuck with it ever since. Last town bullies burnt it and dirtied it but I managed with the pages of course at a young age I

drew personas for myself but I kept them to myself. My pen I use it's a book pen but who said I can't draw? It works better than the last ones. As I was drawing the car stopped making me hit the back seat that my dad was in as my head banged it and my body almost going flying "WHAT THE FU-" I was cut off when my dad looked at me concerned "no swearing in this car" i glared and got back in my seat I drew a circle and a cross at the bottom of the cross I made a line and made two lines side ways and then made the lines go straight up and then I made another side ways line making them go up and then made a like like a head

Hm.. looks perfect for lev- I mean Alex. I pull out my notepad it's hello kitty my cousin got me it for Christmas and I used it for redesigns for fun

(Lmao I'm too lazy💀)

I sighed and looked out the window and spotted kids on bikes I grabbed a rock I had in my pockets and threw it at a hit hitting one the rest looked shocked or angry they glanced at the car and I middle fingered them my dad chuckled and then drove as we did we drove into our driveway and then stepped out I stretched my limbs and grabbed the bag carrier for my two dogs one's one years old

and one is a puppy in the middle of the seat as I did they both started to whimper and whine I unzipped the bag and clip their Leashes onto their collars as I did I picked them both up and kissed them and walked inside the house my dogs barked at a random bush before we got in. I felt a pair of eyes and not any ordinary stare. They were possessive

ones. I shivered and walked in the house
My dad: "alright my girl the moving tuck will probably be here tomorrow. Or even on Friday. However we could look around? Daughter and Father Time!" He was always cheerful and happy.. how could he be like this? I thought to myself. But i chuckled "sure dad. Anyway let's go! Maybe we can

go get something or be goofy" i chuckled again my dad laughed and patted my shoulder "alright. Race ya too the car!" He walked while i followed behind
my dogs ran in and I sat in passenger seat while my dogs sat in the back. And probably pissing or shitting somewhere. I sighed and looked around the

town. My dad was driving around as we drove around I saw four boys harassing a girl my dad glared at them death glaring.. he does it to everyone except for me and the dogs I put my hand on his shoulder "dad pay attention to the road because we almost hit a cat" I said as i looked at the cat. Poor kitty- the cat was grabbed by the neck and brought somewhere? I looked at the guy.. he had black raven hair and greyish blue eyes. I looked away and looked around town as I did I spotted an arcade "Dad stop the car" I said as he stopped "what is it?" He said curious "there's a fucking arcade.." he looks at it and pulls in a parking spot

and gets out I did so and then grabbed the keys before he got to and then I picked up my dogs and put them in his arms "take them on a walk they've been pissing in the car so please meanwhile I can play the arcade??" I pleaded he sighed "fine fine fine but I get ten bucks alright?" I nodded and left off with the money and played games
As I did some people barged in it was the four people I saw earlier I ignored it I felt a meaty cold and slim pale hand grab me on the shoulder and got pulled out "the fuck man?!" I glared at him it was the same boy earlier he smirked and forced me onto the wall with my front pressed against it "get off!" I yelled and then pushed him off and then pinned him down and started to punch his face he landed a few kicks and punches at me i groaned. In pain and then I put my leg in between his legs and my knee up and I shoved up my knee, kneeing his balls

I pulled away before he groaned and held onto his balls and then before I get to get up another boy came a boy with a mullet and dirty blonde hair pinned me down and forced me into being laid down on my stomach and my hands on the ground "get off me you fucking basterd!" He chuckles
"Got a potty mouth" he laughs before another came he had brown or blue eyes I couldn't see him but he had a hat one and he was chubby and he looked like he was having a mid life crisis but I didn't care after

all he looked like the dude to say 'geezs' when ever someone is loud he smirks before I kicked the mullet kid onto the ground and punched him and then get up grunting when my eye blinked I got a slight black eye "the fuck are you smiling at? Weirdo." He looks offended "no it's pronounced weird." I chuckled "no because it's called weirdo because your round-" a boy behind me grabbed me by the arms and he had light blonde hair and he had icy blue eyes- lmao he looked like Draco mafloy "oh? I'm so scared from Draco mafloy here." He glared at me before I kicked him and started to beat them up each

HENRY's pov

This crazy bitch gave me a bruise and a black eye! The fuck does she think she is?! I was glaring at her belch was up against the wall with a bruise on the eye bone and Patrick was holding his crotch and he had a few stomp marks on him and a small scratch while Vic here had a slap mark and a mark of a fist on his Adam's apple. Or just on his chin "crazy bitch.." I murmured as a young adult came up and walked over to her. Let's call her rocky.
"My girl what did you do? oh my goodness how am I supposed to explain this?" He saids. I see two dogs one looks fat and chubby the other looked small and fragile. I look over at Patrick he smirks sadisticly at

the dogs they both start to bark at him rapidly. Baring their teeth at him rocky grabs them both like babies I rolled my eyes "these dicks interrupted me and then tried to beat me up. Luckily I got my skills." She glared at me. I rolled my eyes before she put her dogs down and they started to try and bite or maul me and the rest they were being held back


Alice's pov
As I was getting ready for bed my dogs ran into bed whimpering I looked worried "what's wrong my girls?" I said as i looked around and got up to go downstairs there.. it was a clown. I grabbed a knife and threw it at the thing "get out of here." I grabbed a pan and a lighter with some sweet grass and started to do something with it. The thing laughs

kids giggling and humming I ran upstairs and tried to wake up dad- to only see him on the bed with maggots and stab wounds i gasped and fell to my knees crying- and then I woke up to my dogs sleeping my dad was on the other side of the bed peacefully sleeping I sighed and went downstairs and drank some water and then I see a figure in the bushes out in my backyard I ignored it and walked away and then I went upstairs to go back to bed.


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