♡The Stranger ♡

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"YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY HIM AND THAT IS FINAL," Sarfaraz shah, my Foster father, said to me


Those words destroyed the remaining trust and hope I had from them. I have always been unwanted, and even my real parents didn't want me they hated me so much that they left me at a strangers door

And they took me in even when they didn't want to, but they did they gave me everything that I would ever need it
They sent me to school and gave me everything I would need, but they just couldn't give me the thing they couldn't buy the thing i wanted. Most love and care . Why would they it is not like I am their real child their real child is Hamza, and they gave him all their love

Hamza is my older brother he is the only one who cares for me in this family and always treats me with respect

" ok I will marry him " I said feeling defeated " good and it doesn't matter if you want to or not it is not your choice " he said " and you are getting married in a week on Friday " he said

I nodded and was about to leave when he said, " his name is Saad Malik." My eyes widened. I had heard this name before

I quickly nodded and left to my room and searched his name. " Saad Malik is the youngest billionaire in the world." omg I am getting married to a billionaire !!!!

I have to call Eshaal " pick up pick up." I chanted." What?" she yelled, " I am gettig married," I announced

There was a pause for a minute when she started laughing, " Haha, good joke now why did you call me at 1 am dude I was sleeping " she complained

" no seriously my dad is forcing me to marry Saad Malik " I said " WHAT THE FUCK SAAD MALIK THE BILLIONAIRE " she yelled

I moved the phone out of the ear I think I am deaf now " stop screaming and yes " " ong I can't believe my BFF is getting married and when ? " she asked

" next Friday " I replied " WHAT " she yelled again " STOP SCREAMING " I also yelled

" how will you Prepare so soon " she asked " I don't know " I said " we have to go shopping " she said " yea I am going to take a few days off for school " I said

" ok so tomorrow at 4 pm " she said " I guess but I didn't want to get married Eshaal please
help mee " I said

" yar run away " she said " Oyye bakwas maat karo" I said " My bakwas nhi kar rhi"

" I know your dad and no offence but he is an asshole he will not listen and your mom is no better an him and I know you will not ask help from your brother so run away " she said

" yea he made it clear tonight that he is not my dad but please don't call him names even if he was not the best he is still my father even he doesn't want to " I said

" sorry yr , so will you run away " she asked " I don't know I don't want them to feel ashame in front of others " I said

" you are such a good daughter and I respect your decision but do think about it " she sad

" yea I will and yea see you omorrow for shopping " I said

I cut the call and went downstairs to get somthing to eat but found dad and Hamza Bhai " BABA YOU CAN'T MARRY HER OFF TO A STRANGER " he said

" Hamza she is also a stranger she is not our blood stop treating her like she is your sister " he said while breaking my heart
" baba don't say that she is my sister I don't care what others say and she is not a stranger We have known her since she was a baby " he said

" Hamza we didn't Choose to know her we were forced to we didn't want to adopt a child we already had you and it is not your place to say anything and she agreed to marry him so what is the problem " mom said including herself in the conversatin
" mama she is only doing it for you guys she doesn't want this marriage " he said

Before mom or dad could say anything I said " don't worry Bhai I want to get married " I lied I don't want to get married

Even if they have said I an not thier child indirectly amillion on times but this is the frist time thus said it clearly it breaks my hreat to know that I will always will be unwanted

" Ailzeh don't lie " he warned me " no Bhai I want to " I lied again while smiling at him he looked angrly at our parents or his parents and looked at me and said

" I believeyou but if you are unhappy for even for a second I am always here " he said while pulling me into a hug

I hugged him back and I knew I was about to start crying so I quickly went into my room and started crying

I was crying so hard that I couldn't breath
My hreatbeat was going crazy and I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded and I was sweating, trembling or shaking I knew I was having a panic attack
" w-wwhy Al-lah a-mm I u-n wa-nted " I quickly took out my medicine and took it

My breathing got normal and I started feeling a better my parents don't know I have panic attacks I found out when I was in middle school and my teachers found me having difficulties breathing and they took me
to the nurse and that is how I found out I have panic attacks

I saw the time and it was 5 am I could hear the sound of azan and I quickly Performed wudu and payer Fajr

While making dua I started crying " Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers." After that I read the Quran ( holy book of Muslims ) and and I don't know when I fall asleep

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