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Somehow, a permanent ceasefire was called, and following relief was palpable in the air. The newfound warmth of spring reflected the attitude of both clans. In the direct aftermath of the peace treaty, people were almost friendly with each other.

That was not to say, of course, that things weren't rocky.

Conflict emerged almost immediately, which had Hashirama and Madara busy for several days trying to overcorrect. It seemed that the two of them, as clan heads, were taking full responsibility for the wellfare of each clan.

Izuna didn't like that Madara was overworking himself trying to make things peaceful. He didn't like that Madara spent almost all of his time with Hashirama. He didn't like that it was necessary, but that didn't stop it from being so.

The clans weren't living together, and Izuna still believed that Madara's dream of a shared village was ludicrous, but people were now less finnicky about the river border being crossed and most of his clanmates didn't immediately see being in the vicinity of a Senju as an attack.

Arguments became more frequent than battles, but Izuna had to remind himself that it was better than actual battles.

Especially when it involved Tobirama.

The Senju himself wasn't causing any problems, but he did spend a lot of time arguing with Izuna. He supposed it was too much hope to have actually believed they would become friends. Now, it was just battles without the opportunity to hurt each other.

Izuna never told Madara about what Tobirama did for him that day, all that time ago. He was fairly certain that Hashirama did not know, either.

So, it was a secret between the two of them. Izuna briefly wondered if that was the reason Tobirama was still hostile, but the arguments seemed far too real. Not in the sense that Tobirama would attack Izuna, but that their bickering contained many valid concerns regarding each others' clans.

On a particularly hot day while Izuna was attempting to sit riverside and bask in the sun, he noticed Tobirama approaching. He thought that the Senju would say something, perhaps start an adrenaline-infused argument that wasn't quite a battle, but he just... watched Izuna.

"That's creepy," Izuna pointed out after several minutes of it, opening his eyes slowly.

"Elaborate." As if Tobirama actually didn't understand.

"You're just staring at me. I can't tell if you have something to tell me or if you want to fight." Izuna stood up, stretching not unlike a cat, and walking over to Tobirama.

"While a spar might be refreshing, I doubt it would do much for this tentative peace."

"Why not?" Izuna asked. "It's not like you'll kill me." He smiled mischievously. "And if I do get hurt, you'll just heal me."

Tobirama's eyes narrowed without meeting Izuna's own. "I thought that we were in agreement that that would not happen again."

"Maybe, but I won't hold you to it." Izuna reveled in the glare that Tobirama sent him. "Did you come to the river for anything in particular, or was your singular goal to annoy me?"

"Contrary to whatever you might think, the things I do don't center around you, Izuna," Tobirama responded. "Just as I imagine you didn't come here solely because you thought I'd show up."

"If you had been here, I wouldn't have stared at you creepily for several minutes." Izuna laughed. "So forgive me for getting the wrong impression."

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