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Emma! Wake up!" I hear my mom yell from across the hallway and I groan and rollover burring my face in my pillows.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door and immediately sit up straight pretending to be awake and starting to get out of bed as my mom walks in with a glass of ice cold water.

"Get up Emma, I know you don't want to go to school but just hang out with Nathan all day, you have all periods with him right?"

"I'm going, I'm going." I roll my eyes as she walks out and I start getting dressed in my school uniform.

I walk into my bathroom and ruffle my brothers hair as he walks out and brush my teeth.

In the middle of brushing my teeth I get a call and scramble into my room grabbing my phone and answering the call but it was FaceTime.

"Well it looks like you had a great sleep." my best friend Nathan says as soon as the call connects and I roll my eyes and flip him off before spitting out the toothpaste

"looks like someone had a good hookup last night." I retort and grab my phone walking into my room and set the phone on the vanity as I sit on the chair.

"hey, at least I can get people to hook up with." He says and I scoff and move my hand toward the phone to hang up. "wait! No Emma, you know that's not what I meant, Your super pretty but your just not social enough."

"It's not my fault I have social anxiety, it was hard enough to talk to you back in 1st grade!" I frown and grab my brush starting to brush my hair as he does his own.

"I was the one who walked up to you and sat with you in 1st grade, we were both super shy."

"yeah, but then again you got over that in middle school when you made the hockey team. And you got so popular overnight, and you're still popular even in highschool."

"yeah but I'm only actually friends with like 5 people, you, mason, Andrew, Noah, Arthur." he shrugs and blow-dries his hair before winking at himself.

"What about the other dudes on the hockey team?" I question at the lack of names. "You should totally set me up with Martin, he's so hot."

"Martin?!" he exclaims and grabs his phone bringing it up right to his face. "The goalie, Martin?"

"Yes the goalie. I'd very much like to go out with him, he's such a sweetie and he's hot, and a hockey player so why not."

"I'll set you up with Martin if you go to our game on Wednesday." He sets his phone back down and brushes his teeth.

I think about it for a moment before responding since I've haven't been to his hockey games since middle school even though I'm a huge hockey fan. "you have yourself a deal IF, I can get seats behind the bench."

"You have a deal." He nods and we virtually shake on it. "you know what, we should match today, do you have sweats and a blue shirt and hoodie?"

(Imagine this is also the Nike hoodie)

"I can check..." I say and stand up from my chair and walk over to my dresser pulling out my sweatpants and the blue hoodie he gave me a while ago since it didn't fit him anymore. "Yeah, but not a blue shirt I have a white shirt though."

"Okay white shirt it is hold on," He says and grabs his phone walking out of the bathroom into his room and he sets the phone on his nightstand against the lamp and quickly changes shirts and throws on his hoodie.

"Okay hold on." I roll my eyes and turn my camera off so I can change into the outfit. And I rebrush my hair before turning the camera back on.

"What shoes are you wearing?" he asks as I pack my bookbag.

"I was just gonna wear my Uggs my feet hurt too much from walking the mall all day yesterday."

"Alright, I'll wear my brown Nikes then." he says and I quickly spray myself with perfume before putting it into my bag and putting my earrings and rings and bracelets and necklaces on.

"I'll see you at school." I say getting ready to hang up and sliding my book back over my shoulders.

"We aren't gonna FaceTime the way there?" he frowns teasingly and I roll my eyes.

"Bye Nathan, love you I'll see you at school fatty." I say before walking out my room with my phone in hand as I walk into the kitchen filling up my cup with ice and water.

"Love you too Em." He rolls his eyes and hangs up so I slide my phone into my pocket.

"Mom I'm leaving!" I call out before walking out of the door and toward where the school bus picks me up from.


As I walk into school towards my locker Nathan's already there leaning against the one next to it and he immediately grins as he spots me and people keep saying hi to him as they walk by.

"don't you get tired of being popular?" I question as I grab my schedule for today's classes and put it into my folder in my bag.

"Very much, but it comes with being on the hockey team!" he says the last part sarcastically and I roll my eyes as we walk to homeroom.

"I've never understood the big deal with hockey." I say as a joke and turn as I see he isn't walking next to me anymore and he's frozen in place with his hand above his heart and his mouth wide open and his eyes wide with shock.

he gasps dramatically and blinks at me. "You said WHAT?!" he practically yells and my cheeks heat up as everyone turns their attention to me and I fiddle with my ring on my finger as I get nervous.

I look at Nathan with a pleading look to stop being dramatic so I can get away from this situation and he understands and nods walking back towards me. "You know I love hockey why did you need to be so dramatic." *I sigh and sit in my chair as we get to class and he slides into the one next to me and sets his bag on the table putting his head down on it.

"Oh because I..." He says and is automatically cut off as his eyes land on my hand where I'm still fiddling with my ring on my finger. "Don't do that," He swats my hand in a way to stop me. "Anyways, I don't know why I was so dramatic."

"Do you wanna come over after school?" I question and take a sip from my Stanley and he snatches it from me taking a sip of his own and I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"I have practice today, I'm sorry, Em." he says and looks genuinely sorry and I tilt my head sideways confused.

"Why are you sorry for having hockey practice?"

"I'm sorry for myself, I love going to your house after school. You have the best games on your Xbox and your mom loves me." he says with a smile and I frown slightly at his teasing.

"Can I come watch practice then?" I ask while snatching my Stanley back from him and setting it on the table away from him.

"I'll ask the boys... but I don't see why not plus then after practice we can go get food." He says and picks his head up from his bookbag and looks at the door looking as if he's expecting someone.

I shrug and put my head down waiting for the bell to ring signaling first period.

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