The beginning

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I'm going to tell you a story. Not a happy one by all means, but rather one that portrays the becoming of the sweetest boy, into the most evil villain. The most cold hearted savage thing you could ever meet... he was never loved as he should of been. Everyone in his life stabbed through his back at some point in his life, even his own mother. After years and years of it, his heart began to turn black he began to resent the ones closest to him, he despised himself and all those who dared to show him love. He would push them away. Reject them showing nothing but hate. The door to leave was always open he was scared of the healthy kind of love, because it was something he never knew ... his relationship with his own mother was more venomous than even the venom of a coastal taipan. The men in his life took him in only to shatter him into a million peices. He became broken before he was even 16 living in a severely depressed state.
All he wanted was for someone to care for him and not fuck his head up or, for him not push them away the moment he noticed that they did. He hated himself for it his spirit a remnant of what it once was, obliterated completely by the pain of his past. The boy was such a smart kid had so much potential.... Until he found out he could do what he wanted no one could actually stop him. Nobody can really stand in his way, he began to act out hurting other people just bc he could. Even cutting one persons face with a blade because he thought it funny. By the time he was 15 he had killed more animals than he could track, he was becoming a killer he wasn't a fighter but he loved a good kill streak he went after two people for killing his best friend over an argument, butchered them like the grotesque monsters he saw them as.... He didn't see them as people at all, but two giants posing a lot of threat to him. Taking out his knife he stuck in one of them and twisted it . Laughing, he grinned. it felt good. Finally a human suffering for their own wrongdoings... he pulled it out, and proceeded with his stabbing. Stopping at 9 times. He noticed the vile bastards companion had unfroze and began to run. Chasing him down, he stabbed the ugly creature in his back making him fall. The broken boy dragged the foul beast back to his comrade and proceeded to completely butcher him. laughing at the sight of his blood, "two in one" he felt amazing. Once he was finished he felt a rush of energy, good feeling energy. A few months passed and he was out on his own when he got hit from behind after playing footy with his mates. All he had was a thick pole he had used as a corner flag for the game. For some reason he switched he didn't kill it he his time but he proceeded to violently beat him almost to death... breaking over 10 bones. He was never the same way after that, becoming more and more violent, more agressive. The now villain enjoyed causing others harm, it became a passion for his sick sick mind gave him a rush he could not find anywhere else......

A good two years passed he'd had his heart broken many times. He had committed many many brutal beatings. Not getting caught even just once, he was an expert. The now 17 years old boy was living a life he finally felt safe in...
he promised himself he would never go back. Deep in thought the villain noticed he was once a hero breaking one for the benefit of many, now he saw the only way forward was to break many to benefit just one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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