Promises (USHITEN)

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Tendou and Ushijima were walking to the Ushijima's dorm from practice. It had been rough that day and teaching the kouhais was definitely tiring. They went up to Ushijima's dorm to study and work on homework. At least, that is what Ushijima had in mind. Once they got situated, Tendou on the bed and Ushijima at his desk, Tendou tried to put his plan into motion.

Tendou didn't want to study or work on homework. He had been horny since the locker rooms. Seeing Ushijima with his shirt off and the muscles. Tendou could just die. Yet, he didn't.

" Ushiwaka~" He came up from the bed and made his way behind Ushijima. He saw that Ushijima was doing math homework. Which he didn't like.

" Yes Satori?" Tendou had asked Ushijima to call him Satori when they started dating a long time ago. It was almost one year that they had been dating. Still, when Ushijima said his given name, it made his heart burst.

" I know you're doing math homework but maybe you could do me instead?" Ushijima turned with a face of confusion. Oh dear lord. Tendou knew this was going to be hard since Ushijima was very blunt. But, while Tendou was lost in his imagination of what Ushijima has done to him, Ushijima got the hint and got up. He pined Tendou against the wall and put his wrists above his head. Tendou loved when Ushijima threw his around and dominated him.

Ushijima started to slowly kiss Tendou. Tendou replied to the kiss with the same amount of force. Tendou loved Ushijima's kisses. It felt full of love and well right now lust. Ushijima pulled back looking into Tendou's eyes. Tendou was breathing heavily and staring at Ushijima. Usually it was Tendou who initiated kisses and..... other stuff.

"Toshi, if you start throwing me around, I might not hold back on the noise." Tendou was back to his old self. Teasing was his favorite thing to do. He did love teasing Ushijima the most, it got him the results he loved.

" I don't plan for you to." Ushijima growled. Tendou shivered. He loved when Ushijima talked in a low voice and the muscles... god. Ushijima then picked Tendou up and brought him to the edge of the bed. He sat Tendou down gently and gave him a sweet kiss that promised Tendou he'd take care of him.

Ushijima got everything off the bed then opened his bedside drawer. Tendou loved when Ushijima went rough with him. Ushijima had other plans. He also hated to see Tendou in any kind of pain. He got out lube and a condom and set them next to Tendou for later.

He started kissing Tendou, every so often pulling back so they can breath. Tendou went crazy when they kissed like this. Ushijima putting his strong arms around Tendou and Tendou felt like he couldn't even breath. Ushijima bit Tendou's bottom lip and Tendou let him in. Ushijima used his tongue to swirl around Tendou's and explore his mouth. Tendou moaned into the kiss. Ushijima's hands went south and grabbed Tendou's great ass.

Soon enough Ushijima took off Tendou's shirt leaving small marks on his collarbones and kisses on his stomach. Tendou started to moan when Ushijima started playing with his nipples. He put his mouth around one and was pinching and teasing the other. He swirled his tongue around one giving it his love and attention. He pinched and played with the other one much to Tendou's liking.

" Toshi, oh god, " Tendou let out a breathy moan. Tendou was getting impatient. He had felt hot all over. Ushijima's hands felt like lava over his body. Ushijima loved Tendou and always tried to give him what he wanted. But when Tendou was pleading for Ushijima to just fuck him, Ushijima told him to be patient. He didn't want to hurt Tendou and gave him small promises of relief soon. Ushijima felt Tendou tugging at his shirt signaling that he wanted it off. Ushijima took his shirt off and Tendou took this time to gaze and feel Ushijima's muscles. Tendou moaned at the feeling.

Ushijima laid Tendou down on the bed and stared and undressed Tendou with his eyes. He put his hands all over Tendou's body. Tendou loved when Ushijima's rough palms trailed down his body. Ushijima soon started to kiss all over Tendou's body. Ushijima finally took off his and Tendou's pants. He left dark marks on Tendou's prominent hip bones.

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