Chapter 35: Jess

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He agreed. He'd actually agreed. I had only been able to stare at him, surprised. He'd kissed me, distracting me, and I eventually called Marie to let her know. Even now, watching him nap, I couldn't believe he'd said yes. I couldn't work out if he had said yes for me, for Lucy or for Marie. Maybe for all three. Either way, I was officially engaged- even if we were faking it. I still can't believe he just went along with it so easily.

Ensuring Lucy was close enough, in case I had to suction her, I crawled onto the couch with Nick. He was muttering, stirring as I settled on his chest. A sleepy grin told me he liked my idea, hands lazily coming to my waist. He'd lost the shirt, giving me the perfect opportunity to explore his torso, unrestricted or hurried by the need to have him inside me. He muttered some more, hands sliding down to grip my ass.

"I'm trying to sleep, babe" I could feel him hardening beneath me, despite his sleepiness.

"I wanted to say thank you. For going along with this" I thought he was asleep again, silence meeting me. Then he blinked his eyes open, trying to focus on me.

"Sweetheart, don't thank me. I'm happy to do it. I probably won't find another woman like you, anyway" I watched him drift off to sleep again, confused. I had no idea what he was talking about, deciding it must have been his sleepy mind talking. He does say weird shit when he's tired.

Settling in to have a quick nap, I reached over and rested my hand on Lucy's tray. I would have a dead arm when I woke, but she would remain entertained and let me have a little more sleep. I hadn't slept well, so I needed it. Plus, I just enjoyed lying on top of Nick.


The park was empty, no children around. Lucy didn't mind, squeeling when I sat her in the grass. I would take her on the slide later, but she'd just had her afternoon feed. She needed to sit for a little. The last thing I wanted was her throwing up and aspirating it.

"We'll go on the slides in a minute, eh? When Nick gets here. How about that?" She grinned, waving her arms with a squeal. I laughed with her, letting her shaking fingers explore the grass. Shifting, I pulled her up and crossed my legs. It took some fancy manuevering, but I managed to get her off the foam chair I had for her, and onto my crossed legs. She didn't argue, making sounds at me. Her oxegyn tubing got caught on my knee, making me flinch in guilt. It pulled on her face for a second, until I pulled it free. She didn't mind, not even throwing a tantrum.

"Ladies. How are we today? How's Lucy?" I looked up, finding a smiling Walker. He looked gorgeous today, just in a pair of jeans and a white shirt. The day's worth of growth in his face looked like it was perfectly planned. I had a feeling he may have even trimmed it to look so perfect. He sat, smiling and making himself comfortable. There was the usual space between us, but it seemed smaller. He was closer.

"We're good. Well, good enough. Lucy's out of hospital again. We're just having some other issues at the moment" his face flashed on concern, but I was disappointed when he didn't ask about Lucy's hospital stay. He was always more interested in me than Lucy, and that wasn't how I liked things. I liked all the attention being on Lucy. I hated attention, and she loved it, so it worked well.

"What's wrong? Anything I can do to help?" I smiled politely, noticing that he was defiantly sitting closer. I considered his offer, aware that he was a lawyer after previous conversations.

"No, it's alright. Thanks. I have a lawyer already. She's a friend of the family" which was pretty true, in a way, as I'd always considered Marie's family like mine- sometimes even more than my own family. Walker almost appeared hurt, that I didn't jump at his offer. There was something else there, too, that I couldn't pin point.

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