Episode 24: ashes ashes...

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"ok put away anything valuable or breakable away, lock any rooms you dont want teenagers fornicating in, etc., etc." Camille said the the 5 other teenagers standing in the air bnb

tomorrow night was Aysanae's 16th birthday and her older sister took on the responsibility of throwing her an AirBnB party she even invited some of her friends from New York to come out. Aysanae was having an immense amount of fun in California but she often found herself homesick, missing the place she had grown so familiar with over the years and all the people she loved.

"come on im taking you to the mall" Maddy said to Aysa

"are u dense? you dont have a car." aysa joked seriously

"Cami went out with Jt so she gave me her keys so we could go out." maddy said dangling the keys in the air

"okay let me change my top real quick."

"ill be waiting in the car, just come out."


"heyyy thank you for coming, gifts on the table. Were just waiting on Aysa." Maddy said greeting her New York friends as they entered the establishment

"thank yall for inviting us, we missed her so much. is Mil here" one of the girls said as the rest of them thank her and smile

"no, shes with her right now, ill tell yall when she is around the corner." Maddy smiled back at the group

the music stopped and Mj could be heard yelling "guys they're gonna be here in 2 minutes" she cupped her hands "im gonna turn off the lights, move away from the door and make sure you shut the FUCK up for like 2 damn seconds." she finished before walking towards the switch by the door leaving the room dark and silent

the silence fills the air for about a minute before 3 people enter

"why the fuck couldn't your friend just- SURPRISE" Aysa's complaints were interrupted

"oh my fucking goshhhh. stop" she freaks out laughing

"you fuck w it?"

"yessss oh my days. Mil, THANK YOUU" she jumps on her sister smiling "i told you this 3 years ago, how did u remember?" she laughs pulling away.

"i couldn't do it that year cuz you expected it, had to have the element of surprise type shit." she shrugged

"mini i have a surprise for you." Maddy said walking up to her

"MADSSS" she hugged her "thank youuu"

"you never had that enthusiasm for us." one of her friends said smiling making aysa whi her head back

"jeez dont get whiplash" another one of them giggled out


"happy birthday babe" "happy birthday my heart" happy birthday boo" happy cashday muddy" her friends say as she hugs them

"stoppp. i missed you guys so much, i love yall." 

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