Chapter 5

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From this point on Jeremy will be referred to as Jenny and Jenny as Jeremy to make the change in roles more obvious.

After my mom left the room, I began to cry and think about what my life had become, being a big baby with a big diaper in a little crib.

I fell asleep in a puddle of my tears hoping that this was all a bad dream that would be over soon.

Mom had been cleaning Jenny's bed for 10 minutes and realized that this mess simply could not be cleaned and instead decided to throw out the entire mattress and didn't bother to order a new one yet because her new baby would not need one for a long long time.

After a while of playing with Jeremy, Dianne begins to get sleepy so Jeremy brings her to mom who takes her to the nursery and lays her down right beside her baby sister.

Mom admired her baby girls and how cute they looked with their big diapered butts and fluffy onesies.

Soon she leaves the room to let her babies sleep in peace.

Meanwhile Jeremy was admiring his room and how different it was from his old room. This room had video games, cool posters, and a whole new wardrobe made for actual kids his age and not ones who just hit toddler hood

He lays down on his new bed and knows he made the right decision in switching lives with his sister.

As he laid on his new bed he thought of how he could get his sister to become more and more of a baby holding her down and forcing her to go in her diaper. As the thought grew to more diabolical ideas the smile on his face became larger and larger as his grin spanned from one cheek to the next.

As I was sleeping away in my new prison that many call a crib I dreamed of a better place where I was appreciated for what I did in the house and not punished by my bratty sibling who thinks they are better than everyone.

I was hoping that this was truly reality and that I would never wake up, but sadly I did wake up, back in the confines of the crib, forced to stay inside until rescued by my mother.

My baby sister was fast asleep cuddling my leg while sucking on her pacifier which I normally would have thought was adorable but after the events today all I felt was depressed and as though life could never be happy again.

I didn't think the day could get any worse until it did and I smelled the air and got a whiff of whatever monstrosity my sister let out into her diaper. It burned the hair of my nostrils and may have been worse than any other time I have smelt or changed one of her dirty diapers.

I sat there for thirty more minutes as still as a scarecrow, afraid that any small movement or noise would cause my sister to awaken and for her to begin crying.

Eventually I was saved from this prison by my mom who came to check on the two of us, instantly grabbing Dianne out of the crib and checking her diaper. She could immediately tell by the smell she had gone poopy in her diaper so she carried her over to the changing table where she performed a long and intricate diaper change on Dianne.

After changing Dianne, mom finally comes to scoop me up out of the crib doing a diaper check on me, finding me all clean. She then changes me out of my thick onesie into just a t-shirt to show off my big bulky diaper.

After this she carried me and Dianne downstairs where everything had changed in the little time I was napping. There were now two high chairs at the table, to baby bouncers in the living room, a larger playpen with even higher walls, and worse of all two bottles of milk waiting for us on the coffee table.

Mom sat on the couch with both of us still in her arms before putting Dianne down beside her on the couch keeping a good grip on me making sure that I can't run away. She grabbed one of the bottles off the table and handed it to Dianne as she immediately latched onto the bottle and started sucking out the milky contents of the bottle.

I was up next as mom grabbed the second bottle off the table and shoved it into my mouth and I did not resist and began drinking the bottle hoping it would make my mom happy and not make my situation more difficult than it needed to be.

As I drank my mom began to ramble on about the rules of my punishment and how I would comply with each one or suffer consequences, not like anything could get worse than this though.

Some rules I remember her saying were that you must always use your diaper for both pee and poop, you will eat and drink exactly what I give to you, and you will wear whatever clothes I choose. Oh and the obvious one is that you have to act like a baby so no walking, talking, and you have to nap and play with toys.

By the time she was finished rambling on I was almost done with my bottle and Dianne was already done hers so mom burped her over her shoulder then waited for me to finish which I did shortly after. After I was done mom rolled my chin onto her shoulder and began to give light but firm pats to my back until I let out a loud belch that would put Diannes to shame.

After this I began to feel the effects of not having to go to the washroom all day suddenly feeling a slight urge to pee but I pushed it aside. What I couldn't push to the side though was the growing need to poop but I thought of how sudden it was as before the bottle I felt nothing and now It was like ground zero was about to occur.

I didn't know what to do as mom left me and Dianne in the playpen, she went to go play with some blocks, while I went to a corner to try and relax my stomach but it was of no use, the urge was far too strong.

I stood up all the way and then crouched down in the corner so my butt was almost touching the heels of my feet. In this position I let my growing urge release as I felt pee instantly spread into the front of my diaper making it wet but soothingly warm. Soon after I felt a mushy mess emerge from my rear spreading all over the back of my diaper and not stopping for a second. Eventually it ended as all the poop was out of me and the back of my diaper was showing the bulge and so was the front as my stream of pee had still not finished until about a minute later when it was finally all done.

It was such a foreign and weird feeling as it was all warm and wet at the front but saggy and mushy at the back. The tight diaper didn't help as it made sure the mess stayed as close to my skin as possible.

I was so lost in a spiral of thoughts that I lost my balance and fell right onto my butt spreading the mess everywhere and bringing it even closer to my body as I sunk down further into the corner and began to cry not knowing how else to soothe myself from the terrible day I just endured.

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