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The next morning, both Aadhya and Ridansh set off for school on their bicycles, unaware that they were headed to the same destination. Aadhya's school bag was slung over her shoulder as she mounted her bicycle and pedalled swiftly down the familiar shortcuts and back alleys that she had come to rely on to reach school on time.

  Meanwhile, Ridansh was also gearing up for his day. He had just moved into the neighbourhood and was still getting used to the route to his new school. Clad in his school uniform, he checked his watch anxiously and then hopped onto his bicycle, hoping to make a good impression on his first day.

  As fate would have it, both Aadhya and Ridansh navigated through the streets, still unaware of the same destination they were headed to. Aadhya's tendency to take shortcuts brought her to the school gates just minutes before the bell rang.

  By the time Ridansh arrived at school, Aadhya was already seated in her classroom. The bell rang, signalling the start of the day. Ridansh stood nervously at the front of the class as the teacher, Ms. Naina, introduced him.

  "Class, we have new student joining us today. This is Ridansh. Ridansh do you know anyone here?"

  Before Ridansh could respond, Shanaya piped up, "Aadhya and Ridansh are neighbours. Their houses are next to each other."

All eyes turned to Aadhya, who looked just as surprised as Ridansh. Both quickly denied the claim. "I don't know him," Aadhya said curtly. "I don't know her," Ridansh echoed.

  Ms. Naina, slightly taken aback, nodded and pointed Ridansh to an empty seat next to another student. Aadhya resumed her focus, determined not to let this disrupt her day.

  As the lesson progressed, Ms. Naina posed a tricky math question to the class. Everyone expected Aadhya, the class topper, to answer. She stared at the board, wracking her brain for the solution, but came up empty. To everyone's surprise, Ridansh raised his hand and confidently provided the correct answer. The class buzzed with whispers as all attention shifted to him. Ms. Naina nodded approvingly at Ridansh and turned towards Aadhya with a hint of disappointment in her voice, "I'm surprised Aadhya. I expected you to answer this."

  Aadhya felt a flush of embarrassment and anger. Her fists clenched under the desk as she glared at Ridansh, who seemed oblivious to the turmoil he had caused.

The class ended, and as the students filed out, they swarmed around Ridansh, asking him questions they would have previously directed to Aadhya. Shanaya emerged into a conversation with Ridansh. Aadhya stood on the sidelines, seething with irritation.

  Finally, the break arrived. Aadhya walked to the courtyard, trying to calm herself. She spotted Rahul, a senior and a close friend of her, playing basketball. Ridansh who loved basketball joined the game, quickly fitting in. Aadhya sat on a bench revising her previous math notes. As they played, Rahul made a wild throw, and the ball soared out of the court, striking Aadhya and causing her water bottle to spill all over her dress.

"Hey, watch it!" Aadhya snapped, her frustration boiling over. Rahul rushed towards his sports bag to bring a spare tee for Aadhya. Seeing what happened, Ridansh ran over, "we're so sorry. Here take this towel to cover yourself until you change your shirt." He said offering it to her.

  Aadhya's frustration peaked as she grabbed the towel and flung it back at him. "Ridansh, what's your deal? Who do you think you are? Ever since you showed up, everything's been chaotic. I've been unlucky since I met you. Such a bully you're." She exclaimed, her voice a mix of exasperation and disbelief. She turned sharply and walked away.

  Everyone stared at Ridansh, and the whispers started. A wave of humiliation washed over him, making his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

  Meanwhile Rahul who watched the whole scene ran behind Aadhya. "Aadhya, I'm really sorry. It was my fault, Ridansh is at no fault. It was me who threw the ball. It was a mistake."he said gently, his voice soothing. Rahul's presence was usually comforting for Aadhya, but today, she was too upset to be soothed. "I don't care." She snapped. "I don't like him."

  Ridansh passing by them, overheard the conversation . His face hardened as he muttered to himself, "I don't like you either."

  That evening both Aadhya and Ridansh arrived home, still fuming from the day's events. They threw their bags onto their beds and stepped out onto their respective balconies, only to find themselves staring at each other across the small gap between their houses.

  Ridansh, his irritation simmering beneath the surface, couldn't resist breaking the silence. "Couldn't think before reacting. I can't stand you. I hate you." Aadhya, hearing his words spoke, her voice dripping with defiance, "oh please, as if I care what you think. I hate you too."

  Their gazes locked for a tense moment before they both turned away, retreating back into their own worlds of frustration and anger.

                                                                                   "Silence settled between them,
                                                                                      Heavy with frustration."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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