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Caitlyn,raven,alex(will be more as the story goes on)

Character descriptions

Ash: 25 Male, Bisexual, Ginger, Main weapon is a and pistol and bow and arrow appearance: Jeans, boots, somewhat cloak and  we pblack t-shirt

Violet/Vi: 19, Female, Lesbian(willows gf), Blonde, Main Weapon Is a Butcher Knife And Cross Bow, Appearance: Jeans, Doc Martins, Long Sleeve Shirt, T-Shirt And Vest Over It and belt

Louis: 23 Male, gay, black hair, main weapon: bow and arrow and a bat with nails, appearance: cloak kinda, jeans, black shirt,boots

Willow: 20, Female, Bisexual, Ginger(sister of ash and gf of violet) main weapon: knives, distracts the zombies with rocks, sticks other things, appearance: jeans, long sleeve shirt and a jacket,boots

Caitlyn: 18, Female, Lesbian( she likes violet and alex 😓)
Dyed red hair, main weapons: rifle, grenades, knives, appearance : cargos, boots, long sleeve shirt, t-shirt, jacket

Raven: 13(not being shipped), Male, Straight, blonde, main weapon: gun (he doesn't really fight as much as the others), appearance: cargos, boots, long sleeve shirt, jacket

Minerva: 20, female, lesbian, pink hair, main weapons: cross bow, knife, smoke bombs, appearance: green Jean jacket, white t shirt, jeans, black doc Martins

alex: 19, female, lesbian, brunette hair, main weapons: bow and arrow, machete, knife appearance : jean jacket, white shirt with hoodie underneath with jean jacket over it, bandages around fist and wrist, black doc martins

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