Charlotte x fem reader

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Prompt: you are the new worker, you don't like autumn or Marjorie very much but you do find that you like Charlotte.

Words: 1851

it's your first day at the nursery and Marjorie comes over to you. "Why hello, I seem to have forgotten your name but welcome to the nursery! Is there anything I should know about before we get started?" Marjorie is the sassy and iconic manager, autumn is the bitchy assistant manager, charlotte Is somewhat normal along with Carly, the others just float around not really ever being talked to, You just hum.

"Are you feeling talkative today?" She teased with a smile, You glare at her, you were a bit like autumn with your emotions, "Oh wow, what's with the look?" She says with a slight scoff.

You raise your eyebrow, "What? Got something else to say?" She says with her hands on her hips, a bit annoyed by the lack of words, you don't respond.

"Ugh. A mute huh?" She says as she crosses her arms with a small snarl, "I'm not mute, I just don't talk a lot to people I'm not fond of." you speak, your tone Harsh and firm, you don't stare at her though you stare at autumn.

Marjorie looked shocked hearing your voice, "Damn, you actually spoke.." Autumn just smirked, amused by your statement, You raise your eyebrow at autumn's smirk before turning to Marjorie "Yes I did, got a problem?" you spoke sternly.

"No, no problem." Marjorie said, though her tone was a bit defensive. She turned to watch the children as she spoke "Just didn't expect you to speak."

"Yeah you just wanted to criticise me and someone to bully right?" you say your tone is harsher, you turn towards autumn again, "Bullying is such a harsh word..." Autumn says as she walks over, her hips swinging as she stands in front of you, a smirk on her face "I'd merely call it teasing."

You almost groan, you liked the look of her, she seemed as someone who didn't let people walk over her, and wasn't a little bully.

"You're on her side?" you ask, your glare is harsh, "Of course I am, we're besties." She said with a playful smirk, knowing your annoyance with her was growing.

"Thats two people I'm not fond of and i've only been here 5 minutes, who's that Charlotte?" you ask now staring at her, Charlotte looked shocked at being called out, "Oh-" She jumped a bit, standing up straight.

"I'm Charlotte, it's... *cough* nice to meet you." now her you liked, she seemed genuine, Your eyes look her up and down "Hi" you smirk, Charlotte blushed a bit under your gaze, shifting on her feet as she looked at you, Marjorie and Autumn both stifled giggles as they watched your interaction with Charlotte.

"I'm y/n" you say, "y/n, that's a beautiful name." Charlotte said, still blushing as she took a step closer to you, "I like you" you stop yourself and lean in closer before whispering in her ear so only you and her can hear "Your better than those two over there" you say smirking.

Charlotte let out a soft gasp as you leaned closer, her face burning a bright red as she listened to you speak. She glanced at the other two, then back at you.

She quickly nodded her head, still blushing as she tried not to look too flustered, Marjorie and Autumn were completely focused on you and Charlotte, their interest piqued.

"Looks like someone has a crush~" Autumn teased, her smirk growing as she nudged Marjorie, "jealous?" you say calling them out, your smirk dropping when you turned to look at them.

Marjorie scoffed and rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips, "Hardly. I have better options to chose from."

Autumn said nothing, but you could see a hint of jealousy in her expression, though it quickly changed to annoyance. She leaned against a desk, her arms crossed as she watched you and Charlotte.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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