[scene no.1]

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      party planner
      excited one
       Savage(why am i here)one
        serious member
[Scene no.1]

David: Welcome everyone we are here to plan a birthday party for our yoonju

Emilly: I have an idea ,lets do a stage breaking performance with some twists

Rachel: Twists?, performance? how boring ugh-

Joy: oh oh we can do a fashion show too

Michael: To be honest i dont think its a good idea,i think we should focus on something serious

David: Come on its just for fun,lets discuss details

Rachel: Guys this is a lot of work,i dont think i can even move my fingers

Joy: But it will be fun i promise! just think how much yoonju will love it

Michael: I still dont think its a great idea

Joy: okay stop lets go for rehearsals

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