Chapter One

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May Wenchester's POV (Shailene Woodley)

My back was laid against the plush green grass and the smell of barbeque filled my lungs. I stared up and looked at the stars blissfully. I heard loud music and hollers coming from my backyard but ignored it. It was simply the sound of my promotion party.

*Flashback begins*

I leaned back in my uncomfortable office chair and sighed in relief. I finally finished the report I was assigned to write. I glanced at the clock for the first time today. 1am, I stayed here all night?! I guess thats what it takes to finish my work. I really need the money right now. I'm 27 and still living with my parents. I can't afford my own place.
Glancing around the office and realizing that there is nothing left for me to do, I get up and grab my purse.
Once I arrived at home the house was completley dark until suddenly a jolt of surprise erupted. All of the lights turned on, which woke me up and nearly blinded me. Cheers were sounded throughout the room and party poppers were blown. The word surprise was yelled and I looked around once it was over. All of my work friends and my parents were here. 'What is going on?' I thought to myself.
"You got promoted!" Yelled my boss.

*End of flashback*

I know you're wondering why I'm not over there celebraring. Well, I don't really have much to celebrate with. I barley know anyone at work.
"Hey," said a deep masculine voice in my ear, causing me to jump. I knew that voice from anywhere. It was Max, I've known him since I was a baby. We've been neighbors since we were born, on the same day, might I add. We took baths together, celebrated birthdays together, and now we work together. He's the only one I really know at work, and my only best friend.
He gently laid down on the grass next to me and stared at the stars also. "Why aren't you at the party," I asked him in curiousity. I wholeheartedly doubted that he would rather hang out with me than to go party. "I could ask the same about yourself," he stated. I shrugged and got up.
My house was on the edge of a mini cliff. There was a very rocky and steep 2 minute walk down a path in my front yard that led to the beach. It wasn't actually a beach, more like our own private sand area with a lake big enough that we can't see where the next building or house starts nor ends. It was kind of nice actually. We had a 'beach' in front of us, and behind us we had a barn and horses like the country. The best of both worlds.
I started down the path towards the lake and heard footsteps approachibg behind me. I turned around, astonished to see Max following. "What?" He asked rasing an eyebrow and continuing past me. I laughed and followed him.
Once we arrived at the 'beach' we sat down in the sand and looked out at the water. All was peaceful, and perfect. I got a promotion, I was sitting with my bestfriend on my private beach, and life was good. But then, the moment was ruined. Staring at the water you could see the skys reflection. The stars started to get brighter, almost too much brighter. It looked as if the stars were falling down on us like huge firey asteroids. I tried to stand up but dizzily feel back down. I must've had a look of complete fear like the world was going to end because Max abrtuptly stood up and looked at me in panic and worry screaming, "Are you okay? May! May, talk to me!" Just then, I fainted to the ground and the last thing I felt was my cheeks burning from being rubbed against sand and two strong arms picking me up and carrying me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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