O9 I'm Wide Awake

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I was awakened by something smacking me in the head. My face was still pressed to Peter's chest, my head half hidden under the covers. Apparently the Conways liked sleeping in a deep freezer.

"Wake up, doofus! I need deodorant."

Peter shifted under me and hissed. "Get out!"

I popped my head out from under the covers, confused by the rude awakening and about who Peter was talking to.

Evan stood in Peter's room in nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. His blue eyes doubled in size when he saw me. He cursed under his breath. "Faye, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were under there."

"Evan!" Peter pointed to the door.

His brother put up his hands, surrendering as he backed out of the room. "Doors have locks for a reason, baby bro!" He declared before shutting the door.

Peter flopped back against the pillows. "Sorry. Try to go back to sleep," he told me.

The silence didn't last long, though.

"Why would he need the door locked?" Another brother asked, their voices muffled by the closed door.

"His girlfriend slept over," Evan replied.

"Holy shit!"

A third brother entered the conversation. "What are you two talking about?"

"Peter has a girl in his room."

"Seriously? Who?"

"Who do you think, idiot? Faye."

"Go! Away!" Peter yelled at his gossiping brothers. When it fell silent again, he groaned, covering his face with a pillow.

I couldn't hold back my laughter. His light eyes peeked at me from under the pillow. "I'm glad you find this funny."

"Your family is entertaining. I could see them with their own reality show. Catching Up With the Conways."

"Please, don't say that to them. They might try to make it happen."

A quiet filled the room as we stared at each other. My head still on his chest, the sound his heart thumping in my ear. His fingers absentmindedly played with hair. He probably didn't even realize he was doing it. I didn't tell him, in case he tried to stop.

"So...How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Like a baby." I said, resting my chin on the back of my hand. "After an embarrassing cry session in a strangers bed."

"Stranger? I thought we were a little more than that."

"Strangers with benefits, then."

He smirked. "I'm glad your sarcasm is back."

It shocked me that his face didn't turn into a tomato at the mention of benefits. Maybe after seeing me break down in front if him, I lost my ability to embarrass him.

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