Chapter 1: Asphyxiation

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"HAHAHAHAH!!" A boy dressed in blue and black laughed as he hopped on his hoverboard, grinning as he flew across Paris

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"HAHAHAHAH!!" A boy dressed in blue and black laughed as he hopped on his hoverboard, grinning as he flew across Paris. Behind him was the miraculous duo, chasing after him.

"Be careful, Chat Noir. He's dangerous." Says ladybug, using her yoyo to swing from building to building to catch up to the speeding boy.

"Yes, Milady." He replied, using his stick to catch up to the two. He observed the laughing boy on that sick hoverboard and he must say, he actually wanted it. "Are you sure the akuma is located in his hoverboard?" He asked, landing on a tall building as he extended his stick, trying to hit the laughing teen.

Said teen dodged the stick and even kicked it away, grinning as he did so.

"I don't know." Ladybug says, unsure, using her yoyo to grab onto the hoverboard from the boy. "But we'll just have to see!" She declared, snatching the hoverboard.

The teen smirked and jumped off from the hoverboard, using the wind to fly away to a safe distance. He then snapped his fingers and the hoverboard beeped as the heroes threw it away then-


The hoverboard exploded! Causing the building where it landed to catch on fire. People screamed as the residents tried to escape the burning building while the people from the higher floors yelled for help, unable to get down.

"HAHAHAHA!!!" The teen laughed maliciously, summoning another board and landing on it effortlessly. He was grinning ear to ear, he looked so amused upon hearing the screams of dread coming from those below.

Fire wasn't really his thing but he couldn't complain when he saw those beautiful panicked parishans. He was happy, sadistically so.

He stared at the two heroes who remain conflicted in what to do. Choose to catch him or let the people in that burning building die in that fire. It didn't take long for the duo to decide, choosing to save the people and letting the laughing teen get away, who flew somewhere.

Ladybug stared at the retreating figure as she and the black cat helped everyone down as the firefighters and their equipment soon came and helped put out the fires.

After everything was said and done, Ladybug told her partner to gather the hoverboard pieces he could manage to find and meet up with her at their usual spot to discuss where to move on from this.

After everything was said and done, Ladybug told her partner to gather the hoverboard pieces he could manage to find and meet up with her at their usual spot to discuss where to move on from this

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"That's the third time this week!" The red and black themed heroine sighs, exasperated and tired of their recent failures. "That guy shows up, causes collateral damage and just flies away." She repeated the events as she remained on the rooftop, thinking of ideas on how to catch him before things got worse.

'Just what is his objective? To cause damage? He hasn't even tried to take mine or Chat Noir's miraculous. Is he even in cahoots with Shadowmoth? No, no. Shadowmoth doesn't commit murder and I'd doubt he would need to murder anyone to get mine and Chat's miraculous..' She thought, wondering what the purpose he has from doing this.

Whatever it was, she was sure that butterfly themed villain was somehow involved in this as she thought the boy was akumatized. Luckily for them, almost all the time, that teen was alone.

He was strong and it looked as if he was just playing with them or he's messing with them. Getting into their head, letting their guard build or whatever. If he had the freedom to be all happy and cheery means he hasn't revealed all of his strength.

"Milady, I brought pieces of the hoverboard," Chat Noir says, jumping on the building. He sat down on the rooftop floor with Ladybug in front of him. He placed the shattered glowing blue shards on the ground. "Well, the theory of his akuma being in the hoverboard was a dud." He says, scratching his head as he picked up some pieces and examined them.

Ladybug picked some shards herself and sighed, seeing nothing that could be valuable information or a lead to anything that can be helpful. She had hit a dead end, something that hasn't ever happened in her time as a hero. Well, in her defense, she had ever solved a murder case. Most of the akumatized victims would just hold civilians captive, not murder them in cold blood.

"What are we going to do, Chat." Ladybug began, holding her head. "He is our only lead to solving the massacre around Paris." She says, feeling hopeless. She remembered that certain time where she and the cat found bodies, dead bodies, subjugated to such gruesome deaths.

Those victims were forced to endure Electrocution, Asphyxiation, Vivisepulture, Immolation, Hypothermia, Drowning, Plant Poisoning, Strangling, extreme Phototoxicity and other horrible ways. Such acts were horrid to look at in the aftermath, it even made the heroes puke upon sight.

That boy with the wind powers was definitely a suspect. His powers could definitely asphyxiate someone, with his association with wind and junk. Thinking that there were more of him would be catastrophic and deadly to country, something she didn't want.

Ladybug sighed, she was tired and feeling like she wasn't doing enough. Why can't this just be the same villains she faces on a daily basis. You know, the ones she could solve in a day and call it quits after everything is solved with her lucky charm.

"Milady," Chat Noir began, sensing her weary self. "Let's retreat for now, okay? We go back to our respective homes and take a nice break for a while." He says, hoping this might bring some peace of mind.

She sighed, actually needing that break. Some rest could do her good. "Alright, thanks kitty." She says with a smile, tossing her yoyo into the distance and grappling away to her home. She was tired and needed rest, that blue villain was a headache to deal with.

"Anytime, Milady." The blonde whispered, staring at the disappearing figure. He too, was tired and could no longer bear to see another corpse.

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