pleasant wake up touch

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"Mmm," I murmur as I roll onto my side, still half in the midst of a light sleep. I readjust my body, trying to contort it until I feel comfortable. However, I am unsuccessful in my pursuit. My silk pajamas are riding up too much with only half of my body inside of them from wrestling so much in my sleep. With the little amount of energy I have, I slowly pull my shorts off, grazing them down my hips, over my ass, and tickling them down my legs. Half asleep, I do the same for my lace silk sleep tank top. I try to gentle tug it downwards, but my chest fills out too much of the space that I attempt to pull from, forcing me to sit up and pull off my top with my hands over my head. I take my pajama set and gently toss it onto my nightstand. Now completely bare and more comfortable, I lay myself down on my stomach, stretching out. I allow my soft naked body to rest itself onto the smooth sheets of my bed as the soft fabric caresses my skin.

I slip my hand underneath my pillow to grab my phone that I had conveniently nestled underneath my pillow case. The tap of my finger onto the home-screen triggers my eyes to squint in an attempt to adjust the new bright light. The display shows 7:23
AM. With a soft sigh, I roll my eyes at the time, and tuck my phone back under the pillow,

Closing my eyes, I scoot my lower body back into the middle of the bed, hoping my naked body would graze a pillow or blanket so that I could readjust for comfortability. However, instead, my lower body feels a slight poke from behind me. I scoot back further until I feel this poke dig slightly deeper into me, slipping from my ass onto my already-wet pussy. I quickly flip onto my right side in excitement, remembering that my boyfriend had stayed the night with me. Recognizing my presence, he gently smiles and grips his hands onto my torso, pulling me in close to him with a deep breath. I wrap my right leg around his hip and feel this poke of his become even more prevalent, increasing in size as I pull my body into him. He tightly grabs my inner thigh, squeezing it as he pulls me on top of him. Smiling at him, as I knew his intentions, I begin to tease him, rolling my hips onto his slowly before stopping and resting my head on his chest in exhaustion from the lack of sleep I received.

He proceeds to take advantage of our close skin to skin contact by wrapping his arms around my back with as much strength as possibly and squeezing me tight. With a gentle release, I thank him with a very gentle kiss, as we are both still very sleepy. He responds with a tired smile and takes my hands in his, intertwining them— his silent attempt to ask me for more kisses. Obliging, I gently hold his chin and press my lips to his softly. The gentle kissing feels so good, and I continue until I feel both of our lips reshape into smiles.

Knowing how much I enjoy kissing him, he teases me by pulling his face away, letting his eyes invite me to pull him closer

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Knowing how much I enjoy kissing him, he teases me by pulling his face away, letting his eyes invite me to pull him closer. I maneuver my body closer, inching my lips closer to his to satisfy my desire to kiss him, but he pulls further away, giggling at my frustration. He enjoys watching me beg for him without speaking. This teasing tactic works well; I continually fall for it.
Despite difficultly from his resistance, I manage to grab his face and turn it toward mine, finally being able to kiss him. The build-up of anticipation and his teasing make the kiss feel even better, so l continue, feeling him grip me harder, which arouses me and encourages me to kiss him deeper.

Rolling over, he positions himself above me, and dips his head down to kiss me

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Rolling over, he positions himself above me, and dips his head down to kiss me. I kiss him even more passionately as his hands wander boldly up and down my body, squeezing and releasing his favorite areas.  He breaks the kiss momentarily to trace his lips from my lips, to my jaw, down to my neck. The softness of his kisses send shivers through me. I tilt my head back, granting him more access—my silent plea for him to continue. In response to my unspoken desire, he shifts slightly, allowing me to feel the warmth of his body against mine. "Again," I say, wanting him to trail up my body with kisses again. He proceeds to lick up my chest, gliding along my collar bone to my upper jaw, where I feel his heavy breath tickle my ear with deliberate slowness. He whispers in my ear before gently brushing his lips against the shell of my ear, his teeth catching the lobe for just a second. He travels his lips horizontally from my ear, kissing my cheek sweetly before looking up at me. I invite more of his touch by arching my back and pushing myself closer to him. He captures my lips again and does so more urgently this time, as if he can't get enough. His hands roam my body, as if trying to memorize the map of my curves. He begins to kiss down my neck again, except this time, he goes further. He stops at my chest, kissing and sucking on my tits before proceeding to kiss down my torso.
I respond to every touch and every kiss, with a quiet verbal desire that demands more. As he grazes my lower stomach with his mouth, I slightly flinch, knowing what area will follow. With subtle force, he grips my thighs and pushes them away from each other. He brings his lips to my right inner thigh, kissing softly as he nears my most sensitive areas.He travels to my left inner thigh, not letting go of the grip his hands have on my thighs, as they flinch with every touch of his. He makes his way back up my body, kissing each spot he did on his way down until he makes it back up to my lips. He kisses me once before spitting onto two fingers of his massive hand and slowly sliding them up and down my pussy with ease. "You're so wet already," he says with a smirk before grabbing my face with his vacant hand to pull me in for another kiss. After continuously rubbing me gently, he slips his two fingers inside, slowly first, before pushing himself in deeper. Inside, he pushes his fingers into me on an angle to hit my g-spot.

He pulls away from our kiss to watch my face as he does this and when I grab his face to kiss him again, he begins to tease me again. He pulls away from kissing me so he can instead watch my face of desperation for more of him inside me. He smiles at me as he pulls out from inside me and gently massages my clit in a circular motion. Simultaneously, he grabs my hands and hoists them over my head, looking down over me as he does. Spitting on the same hand again, he slides his fingers inside me while using his thumb to rub my clit. He kisses me, knowing I will be unable to kiss back because of how good it feels. As he goes faster on my clit while penetrating me inside, I dig my fingers into his back, pulling him closer. "You are so fucking hot...especially when you do that," he says, feeling me uncontrollably shake underneath him. "Just watching your face as I do this turns me on so much. Fuck," he says as I feel the release of his hands in mine. He unlocks our hands and as one of his hands is touching my pussy, he spits into the other, and travels it down to his dick. He continues touching me, faster and deeper and starts jerking off to my reaction as he does. We try to kiss, but physically can't focus on anything other than the orgasms we're both inching toward. Instead, we hold our lips to each others, breathing deeply inside each other.

He stops to look at me and starts jerking himself off harder

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He stops to look at me and starts jerking himself off harder. He closes his eyes for a few seconds before saying " when I close my eyes I'm thinking about fucking you".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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