Under The Stars / H.G x Slytherin! Tomboy! Reader

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Requested by @AriusMagnus


Hermione Granger always hung out with her friends, Ron and Harry. All of them together were the 'Golden Trio', as some people call it.

Finally, you caught her in a moment when she wasn't really around them. She was in the library instead, probably studying for that potions test that Professor Snape announced as a surprise.

"Hi, Hermione," You greeted her. She turned to you, a smile on her face as she greeted you back. She was distracted from her book because of you. "Hi, Y/n!"

"So.. what're you doing?" You asked, grabbing the chair in front of her and sitting down.

"Just studying." She hummed. You chuckled at her answer. "Of course, always studying. You're such a smart girl, Mione."

Hermione's cheeks heated up a little. Ignoring your teasing comment, she asked, "Would you like to join me, N/n?"

You grinned, pulling out the necessary things out of your bag. "Of course."

After hours of studying and writing notes, the both of you were extremely exhausted.

"We should take a break, yeah?" You asked, eyes drooping a little. Hermione agreed.

An idea struck you. Taking her hand, you stood up and dragged her with you. She didn't mind it at all, her cheeks red. "Where are you taking me?"

"Outside." You answered, cheekily. Her eyes narrowed in worry.

"Are you sure we won't get caught? Surely, we won't get caught by any prefects-"

"It's okay, Mione! You don't have to worry. We'll return back quickly and quietly."

She sighed. She trusted you that they won't get in trouble. While the both of you were on your journey to go outside, you stumbled into Draco Malfoy.

"Hanging out with the Mudblood now, L/n?" He sneered. You hid Hermione behind you, just in case if he was about to hex the both of you.

"Don't call her that word, Malfoy. She's my friend." You defended her, hand secretly going down to your pocket, feeling your wand. It seemed that Hermione did the same, biting her lip because of his hurtful words. He scoffed.

"You're a disgrace to Slytherin. And you aren't even a proper witch!" He retorted, referring to your mannerisms and outfits. You weren't exactly a girly-girl, which he wasn't used to. He made fun of you for it most of the time.

"Petrificus Totalus." You heard a faint whisper behind you, and suddenly, Draco Malfoy stood as stiff as a board and fell down backwards. His eyes held fear, but also a look of hatred. He couldn't speak, thankfully.

Hermione gripped your hand tightly, pulling you towards her. She was absolutely running with you, and you had to jog with her to catch up.

"Hermione!" You laughed, breathless once the both of you stopped outside. "Wow.. I didn't know you could do that. You troublemaker!"

"It's nothing, Y/n. It was only for today. I didn't like how he talked about you.." She admitted, shyly.

The both of you looked at the scenery around you. You gaped at the night sky. The stars were so beautiful tonight. Unknowingly, you tugged on her arm, causing her to look up in awe.

You stood with her, holding hands, looking at the stars. You had to look back down because craning your neck that high hurt. An idea crossed your mind.

"Do you want to lay down?" You asked. She smiled, nodding. "It'd be more easier to look at them."

You both laid down on the grass, the other girl a little hesitant. You had your arms behind your head as you laid on your back, while she laid on her back overall, a little nervous. Hermione couldn't help but notice the close proximity between the two of you. A little flustered, she looked away, instead looking at the beautiful cluster of stars up there. Thoughts swirled her mind at the sight of you smiling to yourself. She felt this unfamiliar feeling in her stomach, which felt pleasant. Her heart would sometimes just soar at the mention of you.

She had crushes, yeah, but this felt different. Way different.

She couldn't explain it. Keeping it all to herself, the both of you just gazed up. The moment was slightly intimate to her.

So many questions invaded Hermione's mind about your guys' relationship. You knew she was troubled, but didn't know why.

The both of you stopped at the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. You insisted that you would walk her back. It was beyond midnight.

"I guess.. that's the end of it. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, right?" You questioned. She nodded, feeling ecstatic. She kept it to a minimum, though.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n." She grinned. "Make sure you don't get caught by Snape."

You looked at her, a little cheekily. "Of course. Goodnight, Hermione." You lifted her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "Have sweet dreams."

She was flustered at this. Mumbling, she echoed, "Goodnight, Y/n."

With a grin back, you stepped away. Then fully just turned away, carefully walking to the dungeons. She watched your fading figure, before sighing. Muttering the password to the Fat Lady, she went in.

She just had to question your relationship with her.

(Sorry if it's bad, i'm not good at these! Also a little longer than others.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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