Screams, Abuse, Death, Massacre.

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Screams. Shouts. Heard all day and all night, especially on the weekends. Passersby always hear it.

Even the neighbors. The neighbors have tried to call the police but they always had an excuse and they almost always never come.

One day on 1900s there were 5 children. And something happened. It was worse this time.


"D- dad! Please stop!" A little boy's scream heard from outside. Since the walls aren't really thick back in the days.

They can hear everything. Before anything, abuse was sort of normal. Don't know why. It just does.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO BUY BREAD! NOT BISCUITS. DEAF SLUT!." A grown mans voice was heard. Followed by a slap. A hard one.

The little boy was 50 deaf and 50 okay. So it wasn't his fault.

"I- Im so sorr-" Another Slap.
"I- I wont do it aga-" Another slap.

Slaps all back to back after every word said, until the little boy's face bleeds.

"Da-" A scream was heard. He got punched.
His father was a strong man, even a small slap feels like getting bitten by something strong.

"SHUT UP. YOU'VE DONE THIS SO MANY TIMES!" A punch. "DIE YOU BITCH." A gunshot was heard.

"Da-..." The boy loses his life....

As he looses his life. His siblings we're watching the entire time.

One time, one of his children saw their sibling getting abused, one tries to help her, but instead of helping. She got shot instead, so no one helped the poor little boy..

"WHAT, WE'RE YOU ALL WATCHING?" Their father laughs maniacally. "WAS IT FUN SEEING YOUR SIBLING KILLED?" The children screamed as he pointed the gun at them.

"Which 1 of you wants to be next? HUH??!"
He said as he got another gun.

"I have two." He said once again.

The other three children screamed and went to their rooms, but it was too late. They're still kids so their running speed is.. sort of slow.

"Slow fucker." A gunshot heard. "MIKA!" One of his children screams. Cry

"No time to run bitches!." Another gunshot.

The last child was terrified.

"F- father, please i will obey  everything you ask me to do!" The child panics, while the man was reloading his gun.

"Oh shut up." The last gunshot.. maybe..

It was a massacre. The whole family.. Only one is left.

The door plunges open. It was their mother.

She never knew that he was like this.

She never knew he had a gun.

She never expected this to happen.

"Jeffery.. what did you d-" The last gunshot heard.. "I NEVER LIKED YOU.." Her last words. "Annoying fuckers"...

(MADE ON 6/18/2024.)

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