twin's best friend (george clarke) 🧡

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Word Count: 3532

Summary: Max's twin sister comes to the Podcast and comes face-to-face with her brother's podcast pal, a rather attractive gentleman known as George Clarkey.


Mention/s of Ab**e from a previous relationship, mild cursing.

Y/E/N - Your Ex's Name

Y/EC - Your Eye Colour

Author's Note:

This is my attempt at writing something slightly longer than the previous one-shots, so I hope I haven't gone too long or broad with it. I wanted to try something new but also post something a little longer to be able to stockpile some more one-shots and requests I have been sent.



It feels like forever since I have been back home in the U.K. I am waiting for Max and his boyfriend, Andrew, to collect me at Heathrow Airport as I have just returned from New York from an intensive dance workshop for the last eight weeks.

Max and I have been joined at the hip since birth, and this was the longest time we had gone without seeing one another. Even when he moved to London, and I stayed in Lancashire, we would still try to see each other once a week and speak daily to make up for the 4-hour distance.

Pulling me out of my thoughts was a familiar blonde man running towards me, screaming my name, Andrew following close behind him.

"Oh, Y/N, I missed you, twinny girl." Even after all these years, the nicknames' twinny boy' and 'twinny girl' given to us by our grandmother remain in our daily vocabulary.

At birth, we both looked immensely identical, as twins commonly do, and we only looked different when my eyes turned more of the Y/EC that they are today and when we started growing hair.

So, to help our grandmother understand if she was holding newborn Max or newborn Y/N, our parents would use nicknames to help her, the same nicknames that she continued to use even when she could identify us in later years.

After giving Max and Andrew a hug, we walked through the crowds to get back to the car and chatted the whole way about what New York was like and how the intensive went.

"I have to go film the podcast with George today, so Andrew will drop you off at our flat, then come back to get me; that way, you can rest!" Max mentions. After being apart for the time we had, he demanded I spend one week in London when I arrived back from the U.S. to make up for it, tidying up the spare room in his and Andrew's flat to accompany me for the next seven days.

"Would it be too much of a bother if I came with? I mean, it saves Andrew time, and I feel pretty alright for sleep. I ended up not having a child kicking the back of my seat this time like I did the flight over there."

I could see a little smile on Max's face, excitement on his face to show his younger twin the set of his Podcast as he was able to do with their other two sisters. I have avoided going for the longest time now, having an attraction to Max's friend George, who also owns and presents on the podcast with Max.

I have never met George in person before, but in my role as a supportive sister, I always watched and listened to the Podcast and thought George was rather attractive.

"Of course, you can; you don't need to ask me twice! I have been DYING to show you the new set! Just no flirting with George, okay?" I slap Max jokingly on the shoulder from the backseat for his comment. Max and Andrew knew about my little crush on his friend when they caught me liking a fan edit of George one time, which Max has NOT let me live down.

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