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Mr Adam : I'm fixing Sira's and Suleman's marriage



AINA : WHAT?????

Elders look at them with wide open eyes as they scream Jungkook stand up from his and Taehyung Jennie did the same

Jungkook : Hamza calm down wait it's not the right time!!!

Jennie : guys please don't say anything!!!

Taehyung didn't said anything he directly look at Jimin who was looking at Mr Adam without even blinking he was staring at him like he's frozen ~

Taehyung grab his shoulders and started to dragging him outside he didn't even realise that someone is dragging him outside he was like a dead body ~

Elma : WHY DID U DO-

Jennie covered her mouth and started to dragging her outside ~

Jungkook drag Aina and Hamza outside ~


Hamza : LEAVE ME !!!! LEAVE ME !!!

Jungkook : don't do stupidity HAMZA !!!

Jungkook slap him hard making him fall back he just sit there when he fall on the ground

Jungkook : i said calm down!!! What you say will seem wrong to everyone at this time, everyone will consider you and Sira to be wrong !!!! If you said anything!!!

Hamza understood what he said where Elma jerk Jennie's hand and was about to go inside

Elma : Leave me I'll talk to Adam uncle!!

Jennie : NO NOOO ELMA DON'T!!!

Elma push Jennie back and was about to open the door but she flinch when


Taehyung said while sitting on his knees infront of Jimin who was sitting on the floor without saying anything and without looking up

Taehyung : Jimin look !!

Taehyung whispered while patted lightly his head

Taehyung : Jimin-

Jimin : Sh-she's mine !

Everyone went silent when he said that they all look down where Jimin stand up like a drunk person

Taehyung : lemme help you-

Jimin showed him his hand as no he stop at his spot than Jimin started to walking towards the door

Jimin : my Zehra is inside she's inside!! Lemme take her out wait she must be feeling unwell wait lemm-

Hamza grab his arm , and Jimin turn back

Hamza : Jimin it's not the right time!

Jimin : i won't say anything but please take my Zehra out of there she don't like these types of things please take my Zehra out of there

He said while smiling like a psychopath which make everyone worried than Jimin grab the doornob

Jimin : I'll see her last time before going home ~ so that I can sleep peacefully

Everyone understood that he's in damn deep love with her they all felt there heart breaks apart

Taehyung grab Jimin's arm and starting to dragging him outside of the wedding hall.

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